type TPersistGeneric<T> = class private type TPointer = ^T; public class function Init : T; end; class function TPersistGeneric<T>.Init : T; var o : TXPersistent; // root class begin case PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(T))^.Kind of tkClass : begin // xpcreate returns txpersistent,a root class of T o := XPCreate(GetTypeName(TypeInfo(T))); // has a listed of registered classes result := TPointer(pointer(@o))^; end; else result := Default(T); end; end;
class function TPersistGeneric<T>.Init: T; var o : TXPersistent; // root class begin case PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(T))^.Kind of tkClass : begin // xpcreate returns txpersistent,a root class of T o := XPCreate(GetTypeName(TypeInfo(T))); // has a listed of registered classes Result := TTypeCast.DynamicCast<TXPersistent,T>(o); end; else result := Default(T); end;
type TTypeCast = class public // ReinterpretCast does a hard type cast class function ReinterpretCast<ReturnT>(const Value): ReturnT; // StaticCast does a hard type cast but requires an input type class function StaticCast<T,ReturnT>(const Value: T): ReturnT; // DynamicCast is like the as-operator. It checks if the object can be typecasted class function DynamicCast<T,ReturnT>(const Value: T): ReturnT; end; class function TTypeCast.ReinterpretCast<ReturnT>(const Value): ReturnT; begin Result := ReturnT(Value); end; class function TTypeCast.StaticCast<T,ReturnT>(const Value: T): ReturnT; begin Result := ReinterpretCast<ReturnT>(Value); end; class function TTypeCast.DynamicCast<T,ReturnT>(const Value: T): ReturnT; var TypeT,TypeReturnT: PTypeInfo; Obj: TObject; LClass: TClass; ClassNameReturnT,ClassNameT: string; FoundReturnT,FoundT: Boolean; begin TypeT := TypeInfo(T); TypeReturnT := TypeInfo(ReturnT); if (TypeT = nil) or (TypeReturnT = nil) then raise Exception.Create('Missing Typeinformation'); if TypeT.Kind <> tkClass then raise Exception.Create('Source type is not a class'); if TypeReturnT.Kind <> tkClass then raise Exception.Create('Destination type is not a class'); Obj := TObject(Pointer(@Value)^); if Obj = nil then Result := Default(ReturnT) else begin ClassNameReturnT := UTF8ToString(TypeReturnT.Name); ClassNameT := UTF8ToString(TypeT.Name); LClass := Obj.ClassType; FoundReturnT := False; FoundT := False; while (LClass <> nil) and not (FoundT and FoundReturnT) do begin if not FoundReturnT and (LClass.ClassName = ClassNameReturnT) then FoundReturnT := True; if not FoundT and (LClass.ClassName = ClassNameT) then FoundT := True; LClass := LClass.ClassParent; end; //if LClass <> nil then << TObject doesn't work with this line if FoundT and FoundReturnT then Result := ReinterpretCast<ReturnT>(Obj) else if not FoundReturnT then raise Exception.CreateFmt('Cannot cast class %s to %s',[Obj.ClassName,ClassNameReturnT]) else raise Exception.CreateFmt('Object (%s) is not of class %s',ClassNameT]); end; end;