Result := Mapilogon(0,logonProfile,logonPassword,fllogonFlags,@hSession);
不鼓励使用Simple MAPI.正确的操作是开始使用扩展MAPI或Outlook对象模型.虽然我同意这一说法,但我没有任何影响力来实现这一点.
CritSec EMSMDB32!ScStatClose+17ac7 at 354650d0 WaiterWoken No LockCount 1 RecursionCount 1 OwningThread b60 EntryCount 0 ContentionCount 1 *** Locked
b8b4fcec 8093b2e4 87fc3c68 00000006 00000001 nt!KeWaitForSingleObject+0x346 (FPO: [Non-Fpo]) b8b4fd50 8088b658 00000184 00000000 00000000 nt!NtWaitForSingleObject+0x9a (FPO: [Non-Fpo]) b8b4fd50 7c82845c 00000184 00000000 00000000 nt!KiSystemServicePostCall (FPO: [0,0] TrapFrame @ b8b4fd64) 0012f618 7c827b79 77e61d06 00000184 00000000 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet (FPO: [0,0]) 0012f61c 77e61d06 00000184 00000000 00000000 ntdll!NtWaitForSingleObject+0xc (FPO: [3,0]) 0012f68c 77e61c75 00000184 ffffffff 00000000 kernel32!WaitForSingleObjectEx+0xac (FPO: [Non-Fpo]) 0012f6a0 3540fc13 00000184 ffffffff 02102150 kernel32!WaitForSingleObject+0x12 (FPO: [Non-Fpo]) 0012f6b4 3540a226 7c81a1a8 3540546f 02102108 EMSMDB32!XPProviderInit+0x58d5 0012f6bc 3540546f 02102108 00db29c0 0012f6f0 EMSMDB32!MSProviderInit+0x16af6 0012f6d0 3553ce40 02102108 35411e97 02102108 EMSMDB32!MSProviderInit+0x11d3f 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 MSMAPI32!UlRelease+0xe /* Reconstructed from MAP file */ 0012f878 00422b81 21B81 mailrequestserver+0x22b81 0001:00021B70 Mapilogoff 0012f894 00423dde 22DDE mailrequestserver+0x23dde 0001:00022DB0 TEmail.logoff
0231ff80 7c83d0f7 0000036c 00000004 00000000 ntdll!RtlpWaitOnCriticalSection+0x1a3 (FPO: [Non-Fpo]) 0231ffa0 3544d394 354650d0 00000000 00000001 ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection+0xa8 (FPO: [Non-Fpo]) 0231ff98 354650d0 EMSMDB32!ScStatClose+0x17ac7 0231ffa4 3544d394 EMSMDB32!EcUnregisterPushNotification+0x12033 0231ffa8 354650d0 EMSMDB32!ScStatClose+0x17ac7 0231ffb4 3544d114 EMSMDB32!EcUnregisterPushNotification+0x11db3
> MSMAPI32.dll是版本10.0.6861.0
> EMSMDB32.dll是版本10.0.6742.0
function Mapilogoff(lhSession : LHANDLE; ulUIParam : ULONG; flFlags : ULONG; ulReserved : ULONG): ULONG; function Mapilogon(ulUIParam : ULONG; lpszName : PChar; lpszPassword: PChar; flFlags : ULONG; ulReserved : ULONG; lplhSession : LPLHANDLE): ULONG; function MapiSendMail(lhSession : LHANDLE; ulUIParam : ULONG; lpMessage : lpMapiMessage; flFlags : ULONG; ulReserved : ULONG): ULONG; procedure InitializeSMAPI; var OldErrorMode: Word; OSVersionInfo: TOSVersionInfo; RegHandle: HKEY; MapiDetectBuf: array[0..8] of Char; MapiDetectBufSize: Windows.DWORD; RegValueType: Windows.DWORD; begin { first check wether MAPI is available on the system; this is done as described in the MS MAPI docs } OSVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(OSVersionInfo); GetVersionEx(OSVersionInfo); if (OSVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion > 3) or { NT 4.0 and later } { earlier than NT 3.51 } ((OSVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion = 3) and (OSVersionInfo.dwMinorVersion > 51)) then begin if RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem',KEY_READ,RegHandle) <> ERROR_SUCCESS then begin exit; end; MAPIDetectBufSize := SizeOf(MAPIDetectBuf); if RegQueryValueEx( RegHandle,'MAPI',nil,@RegValueType,PByte(@MAPIDetectBuf),@MAPIDetectBufSize) <> ERROR_SUCCESS then begin exit; end; RegCloseKey(RegHandle); { "boolean" integer --> is == "1"? } if not ((MAPIDetectBuf[0] = '1') and (MAPIDetectBuf[1] = #0)) then exit; end else if GetProfileInt('Mail',0) = 0 then { 16 bit and NT 3.51 detection logic } Exit; OldErrorMode := SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS + SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBox); DLLHandle := LoadLibrary(DLLName32); { start without .DLL attached } { OldErrorMode := } SetErrorMode(OldErrorMode); if DLLHandle = 0 then { got an error } begin OldErrorMode := SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS + SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBox); try DLLHandle := LoadLibrary(DLLName32DLL); if DLLHandle = 0 then begin exit; { second attempt did not work out either } end; finally { OldErrorMode := } SetErrorMode(OldErrorMode); end; end; begin DllInitialized := true; @FnMapiFindNext := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle,'MAPIFindNext'); @FnMapilogoff := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle,'MAPIlogoff'); @FnMapilogon := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle,'MAPIlogon'); @FnMapiSendMail := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle,'MAPISendMail'); @FnMapiReadMail := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle,'MAPIReadMail'); @FnMapiDeleteMail := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle,'MAPIDeleteMail'); @FnMapiResolveName := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle,'MAPIResolveName'); @FnMapiFreeBuffer := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle,'MAPIFreeBuffer'); @FnMapiAddress := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle,'MAPIAddress'); @FnMapiSaveMail := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle,'MAPISaveMail'); if (@FnMapiAddress = nil) or (@FnMapiFreeBuffer = nil) or (@FnMapiResolveName = nil) or (@FnMapiDeleteMail = nil) or (@FnMapiReadMail = nil) or (@FnMapiSendMail = nil) or (@FnMapilogon = nil) or (@FnMapilogoff = nil) or (@FnMapiFindNext = nil) or (@FnMapiSaveMail = nil) then begin raise EMAPIdllerror.Create(SMapiGetProcAdressFailed); end; end; end;
destructor TEmail.Destroy; begin ... try if hSession <> 0 then logoff; except end; end; function TEmail.logon: Integer; const ProfileKey95 = 'Software\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles'; ProfileKeyNT = 'Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles'; var logonProfile : PChar; logonPassword: PChar; ProfileKey : PChar; Reg : TRegistry; begin CheckMapi; Result := SUCCESS_SUCCESS; { Check if already logged in. } if hSession = 0 then begin if FUseDefProfile then begin Reg := TRegistry.Create; try { get platform (Win95/NT) dependent profile key } { code added by Ulrik Schoth } if Reg.KeyExists(ProfileKeyNT) then begin ProfileKey := ProfileKeyNT; end else begin ProfileKey := ProfileKey95; end; Reg.Rootkey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if Reg.OpenKey(ProfileKey,False) then begin try FProfile := Reg.Readstring('DefaultProfile'); except FProfile := ''; end; end; finally Reg.Free; end; end; logonProfile := nil; logonPassword := nil; try if Length(FProfile) > 0 then begin logonProfile := StrPCopy(StrAlloc(Length(FProfile)+1),FProfile); end; if Length(FPassword) > 0 then begin logonPassword := StrPCopy(StrAlloc(Length(FPassword)+1),FPassword); end; DoBeforelogon; Result := Mapilogon(0,@hSession); if Result <> SUCCESS_SUCCESS then Result := Mapilogon(0,fllogonFlags or MAPI_logon_UI,@hSession); if Result = SUCCESS_SUCCESS then DoAfterlogon else DoMapiError(Result); finally StrDispose(logonProfile); StrDispose(logonPassword); end; end; end; function TEmail.SendMailEx(DoSave: boolean): Integer; var MapiMessage : TMapiMessage; MapiRecipDesc : TMapiRecipDesc; MapiFileDesc : TMapiFileDesc; lpRecipArray : TlpRecipArray; lpAttachArray : TlpAttachArray; lpszPathname : TlpszPathname; lpszFileName : TlpszFileName; szSubject : PChar; szText : PChar; szMessageId : PChar; szMessageType : PChar; Attachment : SString; flFlags : ULONG; fllogoff : Boolean; i : Integer; nRecipients : Integer; nAttachments : Integer; begin CheckMapi; {make sure the cleanup does not free garbage } lpRecipArray := nil; lpAttachArray := nil; fllogoff := False; {check our built-in limits - which have effectively been removed } nRecipients := Frecip.Count + FCC.Count + FBCC.Count; if nRecipients > RECIP_MAX then begin Result := MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_RECIPIENTS; DoMapiError(Result); exit; end; nAttachments := FAttachment.Count; if nAttachments > ATTACH_MAX then begin Result := MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_FILES; DoMapiError(Result); exit; end; { begin the work } try fllogoff := (hSession = 0); { logon to mail server if not already logged on. } if logon <> SUCCESS_SUCCESS then begin Result := MAPI_E_LOGIN_FAILURE; DoMapiError(Result); exit; end; { Initialise MAPI structures and local arrays. } FillChar(MapiMessage,SizeOf(TMapiMessage),0); FillChar(MapiRecipDesc,SizeOf(TMapiRecipDesc),0); FillChar(MapiFileDesc,SizeOf(TMapiFileDesc),0); lpRecipArray := TlpRecipArray(StrAlloc(nRecipients*SizeOf(TMapiRecipDesc))); FillChar(lpRecipArray^,StrBufSize(PChar(lpRecipArray)),0); lpAttachArray := TlpAttachArray(StrAlloc(nAttachments*SizeOf(TMapiFileDesc))); FillChar(lpAttachArray^,StrBufSize(PChar(lpAttachArray)),0); { Fill in subject & message text. } szSubject := nil; szText := nil; szMessageId := nil; szMessageType := nil; try if Length(FSubject) > 0 then begin szSubject := StrAlloc(length(FSubject) + 1); StrPCopy(szSubject,FSubject); end; MapiMessage.lpszSubject := szSubject; if Length(FText) > 0 then begin szText := StrAlloc(length(FText) + 1); StrPCopy(szText,FText); end; MapiMessage.lpszNoteText := szText; { for non-IPM messages } if Length(FMessageType) > 0 then begin szMessageType := StrAlloc(Length(FMessageType) + 1); StrPCopy(szMessageType,FMessageType); end; MapiMessage.lpszMessageType := szMessageType; if FpLongText <> nil then MapiMessage.lpszNoteText := FpLongText; { check and fill in recipients if any} nRecipients := 0; ListToRecipArray(FRecip,MAPI_TO,lpRecipArray,nRecipients); ListToRecipArray(FCC,MAPI_CC,nRecipients); ListToRecipArray(FBcc,MAPI_BCC,nRecipients); MapiMessage.nRecipCount := nRecipients; flFlags := 0; { Don't display MAPI Dialog if recipient specified. } MapiMessage.lpRecips := @lpRecipArray^; { Process file attachments. } nAttachments := 0; for i := 0 to (Fattachment.Count - 1) do begin Attachment := CheckAttachment(Fattachment.Strings[i]); if Length(Attachment) = 0 then begin Result := MAPI_E_ATTACHMENT_NOT_FOUND; DoMapiError(Result); exit; end; lpAttachArray^[i].nPosition := Integer($FFFFFFFF); {Top of message. } lpszPathname := new(TlpszPathname); lpAttachArray^[i].lpszPathName := StrPcopy(lpszPathname^,Attachment); { begin code added by MJK } lpszFileName := new(TlpszFileName); { truncate attachment filename if desired } if FTruncAttFN then begin { truncate } lpAttachArray^[i].lpszFileName := StrPCopy(lpszFileName^,TruncAttachmentFN(ExtractFileName(Attachment))) end else begin { leave alone } lpAttachArray^[i].lpszFileName := StrPCopy(lpszFileName^,ExtractFileName(Attachment)); end; {end code added by MJK} Inc(nAttachments); end; MapiMessage.nFileCount := nAttachments; if nAttachments > 0 then begin MapiMessage.lpFiles := @lpAttachArray^; end else begin MapiMessage.lpFiles := nil; end; { receipt requested ? } if FAcknowledge then MapiMessage.flFlags := MapiMessage.flFlags or MAPI_RECEIPT_REQUESTED; { finally send the email message } DoBeforeSendMail; Result := MapiSendMail(hSession,@MapiMessage,flFlags,0); if Result = SUCCESS_SUCCESS then DoAfterSendMail else DoMapiError(Result); finally StrDispose(szSubject); StrDispose(szText); StrDispose(szMessageID); StrDispose(szMessageType); end; finally { dispose of the recipient & CC name strings } if Assigned(lpRecipArray) then for i := 0 to (nRecipients - 1) do begin if Assigned(lpRecipArray^[i].lpszName) then Dispose(lpRecipArray^[i].lpszName); if Assigned(lpRecipArray^[i].lpszAddress) then Dispose(lpRecipArray^[i].lpszAddress); end; { dispose of the recipient/CC/BCC array } StrDispose(PChar(lpRecipArray)); { dispose of the attachment file name strings } if Assigned(lpAttachArray) then for i := 0 to (nAttachments - 1) do begin Dispose(lpAttachArray^[i].lpszPathname); Dispose(lpAttachArray^[i].lpszFileName); end; { dispose of the attachment array } StrDispose(PChar(lpAttachArray)); { Auto logoff,if no session was active. } if fllogoff = True then logoff; end; end;
> EMSMDB32中的偏移量!EcUnregisterPushNotification 0x11db3非常大,可能无法执行EcUnregisterPushNotification方法.无法确定可能执行的方法.