有没有人有这样做的简单功能(delphi XE2)?谷歌今天不是我的朋友
[更新] / [赏金]只是为了清楚(如果原来不是apologies),我不想要哈希.我有一个列表框,用户可以添加/修改/删除条目.当程序关闭并重新启动时,我想将它们存储在.INI文件中.任何查看.INI文件(例如,在记事本中打开它)的人都不应该读取这些字符串.
[config] numEntries=3 [listBox] 0=ywevdyuvewfcyuw 1=edw 2=hr4uifareiuf
ReadString和WriteString被覆盖,这些内部用于Read / WriteFloat,Read / WriteInteger等.
ReadString和WriteString被覆盖,这些内部用于Read / WriteFloat,Read / WriteInteger等.
uses CryptingIni; {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var ini:TCryptingIni; begin ini:=TCryptingIni.Create('C:\temp\test.ini'); ini.UseInternalVersion(1234); ini.WriteFloat('Sect','Float',123.456); ini.WriteString('Sect2','String','How to encode'); ini.Free; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var ini:TCryptingIni; begin ini:=TCryptingIni.Create('C:\temp\test.ini'); ini.UseInternalVersion(1234); Showmessage(FloatToStr(ini.ReadFloat('Sect',0))); Showmessage(ini.ReadString('Sect2','')); Showmessage(ini.ReadString('SectUnkknow','Showdefault','DEFAULT')); ini.Free; end;
过程SetCryptingData(aEncryptProc,aDecryptProc:CryptingProc; aKey:Word);
unit CryptingIni; // 2013 by Thomas Wassermann interface uses Windows,SysUtils,Variants,Classes,inifiles; type CryptingProc = Function(const InString: String; Key: Word): String; TCryptingIni = Class(TInifile) function ReadString(const Section,Ident,Default: string): string; override; procedure WriteString(const Section,Value: String); override; private FEncryptProc: CryptingProc; FDecryptProc: CryptingProc; FKey: Word; public Procedure SetCryptingData(aEncryptProc,aDecryptProc: CryptingProc; aKey: Word); Procedure UseInternalVersion(aKey: Word); End; implementation const c1 = 52845; c2 = 22719; Type TByteArray = Array [0 .. 0] of byte; Function AsHexString(p: Pointer; cnt: Integer): String; var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; for i := 0 to cnt do Result := Result + '$' + IntToHex(TByteArray(p^)[i],2); end; Procedure MoveHexString2Dest(Dest: Pointer; Const HS: String); var i: Integer; begin i := 1; while i < Length(HS) do begin TByteArray(Dest^)[i div 3] := StrToInt(Copy(HS,i,3)); i := i + 3; end; end; function EncryptV1(const s: string; Key: Word): string; var i: smallint; ResultStr: string; UCS: WIDEString; begin Result := s; if Length(s) > 0 then begin for i := 1 to (Length(s)) do begin Result[i] := Char(byte(s[i]) xor (Key shr 8)); Key := (smallint(Result[i]) + Key) * c1 + c2 end; UCS := Result; Result := AsHexString(@UCS[1],Length(UCS) * 2 - 1) end; end; function DecryptV1(const s: string; Key: Word): string; var i: smallint; sb: String; UCS: WIDEString; begin if Length(s) > 0 then begin SetLength(UCS,Length(s) div 3 div 2); MoveHexString2Dest(@UCS[1],s); sb := UCS; SetLength(Result,Length(sb)); for i := 1 to (Length(sb)) do begin Result[i] := Char(byte(sb[i]) xor (Key shr 8)); Key := (smallint(sb[i]) + Key) * c1 + c2 end; end else Result := s; end; { TCryptingIni } function TCryptingIni.ReadString(const Section,Default: string): string; begin if Assigned(FEncryptProc) then Result := inherited ReadString(Section,FEncryptProc(Default,FKey)) else Result := inherited ReadString(Section,Default); if Assigned(FDecryptProc) then Result := FDecryptProc(Result,FKey); end; procedure TCryptingIni.SetCryptingData(aEncryptProc,aDecryptProc: CryptingProc; aKey: Word); begin FEncryptProc := aEncryptProc; FDecryptProc := aDecryptProc; FKey := aKey; end; procedure TCryptingIni.UseInternalVersion(aKey: Word); begin FKey := aKey; FEncryptProc := EncryptV1; FDecryptProc := DecryptV1; end; procedure TCryptingIni.WriteString(const Section,Value: String); var s: String; begin if Assigned(FEncryptProc) then s := FEncryptProc(Value,FKey) else s := Value; inherited WriteString(Section,s); end; end.