在Delphi中是否有* SysUtils.Format *的逆函数

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了在Delphi中是否有* SysUtils.Format *的逆函数前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。






这在C中被称为scanf,我已经为此做了一个Delphi的样子: @H_404_14@function ScanFormat(const Input,Format: string; Args: array of Pointer): Integer; var InputOffset: Integer; FormatOffset: Integer; InputChar: Char; FormatChar: Char; function _GetInputChar: Char; begin if InputOffset <= Length(Input) then begin Result := Input[InputOffset]; Inc(InputOffset); end else Result := #0; end; function _PeekFormatChar: Char; begin if FormatOffset <= Length(Format) then Result := Format[FormatOffset] else Result := #0; end; function _GetFormatChar: Char; begin Result := _PeekFormatChar; if Result <> #0 then Inc(FormatOffset); end; function _ScanInputString(const Arg: Pointer = nil): string; var EndChar: Char; begin Result := ''; EndChar := _PeekFormatChar; InputChar := _GetInputChar; while (InputChar > ' ') and (InputChar <> EndChar) do begin Result := Result + InputChar; InputChar := _GetInputChar; end; if InputChar <> #0 then Dec(InputOffset); if Assigned(Arg) then PString(Arg)^ := Result; end; function _ScanInputInteger(const Arg: Pointer): Boolean; var Value: string; begin Value := _ScanInputString; Result := TryStrToInt(Value,{out} PInteger(Arg)^); end; procedure _Raise; begin raise EConvertError.CreateFmt('Unknown ScanFormat character : "%s"!',[FormatChar]); end; begin Result := 0; InputOffset := 1; FormatOffset := 1; FormatChar := _GetFormatChar; while FormatChar <> #0 do begin if FormatChar <> '%' then begin InputChar := _GetInputChar; if (InputChar = #0) or (FormatChar <> InputChar) then Exit; end else begin FormatChar := _GetFormatChar; case FormatChar of '%': if _GetInputChar <> '%' then Exit; 's': begin _ScanInputString(Args[Result]); Inc(Result); end; 'd','u': begin if not _ScanInputInteger(Args[Result]) then Exit; Inc(Result); end; else _Raise; end; end; FormatChar := _GetFormatChar; end; end;
