现在这是我们遇到的问题,我们的程序正在请求XML文件,并且看到有可用的更新.然后它创建一个BITS作业下载它,然而BITS保持报告下载失败.我们可以使用相同的URL和IE / Firefox / Chrome下载文件.
HTTP Requirements for BITS Downloads
BITS supports HTTP and HTTPS downloads and uploads and requires that the server supports the HTTP/1.1 protocol. For downloads,the HTTP server’s Head method must return the file size and its Get method must support the Content-Range and Content-Length headers. As a result,BITS only transfers static file content and generates an error if you try to transfer dynamic content,unless the ASP,ISAPI,or CGI script supports the Content-Range and Content-Length headers.
BITS can use an HTTP/1.0 server as long as it meets the Head and Get method requirements.
To support downloading ranges of a file,the server must support the following requirements:
Allow MIME headers to include the standard Content-Range and Content-Type headers,plus a maximum of 180 bytes of other headers.
Allow a maximum of two CR/LFs between the HTTP headers and the first boundary string.
IdHTTPHeaderInfo.pas aprox行770
procedure TIdEntityRange.SetText(const AValue: String); var LValue,S: String; begin LValue := Trim(AValue); if LValue <> '' then begin S := Fetch(LValue,'-'); {do not localize} if S <> '' then begin FStartPos := StrToIntDef(S,-1); FEndPos := StrToIntDef(Fetch(LValue),-1); FSuffixLength := -1; end else begin FStartPos := -1; FEndPos := -1; FSuffixLength := StrToIntDef(Fetch(LValue),-1); end; end else begin FStartPos := -1; FEndPos := -1; FSuffixLength := -1; end; end;
procedure TIdEntityRange.SetText(const AValue: String); var LValue,'-'); {do not localize} if S <> '' then begin FStartPos := StrToInt64Def(S,-1); FEndPos := StrToInt64Def(Fetch(LValue),-1); FSuffixLength := -1; end else begin FStartPos := -1; FEndPos := -1; FSuffixLength := StrToInt64Def(Fetch(LValue),-1); end; end else begin FStartPos := -1; FEndPos := -1; FSuffixLength := -1; end; end;