我的问题是如何使这个功能多线程,以避免不相应的情况!我仍然是Delphi novoice
我的问题是如何使这个功能多线程,以避免不相应的情况!我仍然是Delphi novoice
procedure TfrMain.FileSearch(const PathName,FileName : string; txtToSearch : string; const InDir : boolean); var Rec : TSearchRec; Path : string; txt : string; fh : TextFile; i : integer; begin Path := IncludeTrailingBackslash(PathName); if FindFirst(Path + FileName,faAnyFile - faDirectory,Rec) = 0 then try repeat AssignFile(fh,Path + Rec.Name); Reset(fh); Readln(fh,txt); if ContainsStr(txt,txtToSearch) then ListBox1.Items.Add(Path + Rec.Name); until FindNext(Rec) <> 0; finally FindClose(Rec); end; If not InDir then Exit; if FindFirst(Path + '*.*',faDirectory,Rec) = 0 then try repeat if ((Rec.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0) and (Rec.Name<>'.') and (Rec.Name<>'..') then FileSearch(Path + Rec.Name,FileName,txtToSearch,True); until FindNext(Rec) <> 0; finally FindClose(Rec); end; end;@H_301_5@