public static void ExpectEventSequence(Queue<Action<EventHandler>> subscribeActions,Action triggerAction) { var expectedSequence = new Queue<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < subscribeActions.Count; i++) { expectedSequence.Enqueue(i); } ExpectEventSequence(subscribeActions,triggerAction,expectedSequence); } public static void ExpectEventSequence(Queue<Action<EventHandler>> subscribeActions,Action triggerAction,Queue<int> expectedSequence) { var fired = new Queue<int>(); var actionsCount = subscribeActions.Count; for(var i =0; i< actionsCount;i++) { subscription((o,e) => { fired.Enqueue(i); }); } triggerAction(); var executionIndex = 0; var inOrder = true; foreach (var firedIndex in fired) { if (firedIndex != expectedSequence.Dequeue()) { inOrder = false; break; } executionIndex++; } if (subscribeActions.Count != fired.Count) { Assert.Fail("Not all events were fired."); } if (!inOrder) { Assert.Fail(string.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,"Events were not fired in the expected sequence from element {0}",executionIndex)); } }
[Test()] public void FillFuel_Test([Values(1,5,10,100)]float maxFuel) { var fuelTank = new FuelTank() { MaxFuel = maxFuel }; var eventHandlerSequence = new Queue<Action<EventHandler>>(); eventHandlerSequence.Enqueue(x => fuelTank.FuelFull += x); //Dealing with a subclass of EventHandler eventHandlerSequence.Enqueue(x => fuelTank.FuelChanged += (o,e) => x(o,e)); Test.ExpectEventSequence(eventHandlerSequence,() => fuelTank.FillFuel()); }
public float Fuel { get { return fuel; } private set { var adjustedFuel = Math.Max(0,Math.Min(value,MaxFuel)); if (fuel != adjustedFuel) { var oldFuel = fuel; fuel = adjustedFuel; RaiseCheckFuelChangedEvents(oldFuel); } } } public void FillFuel() { Fuel = MaxFuel; } private void RaiseCheckFuelChangedEvents(float oldFuel) { FuelChanged.FireEvent(this,new FuelEventArgs(oldFuel,Fuel)); if (fuel == 0) { FuelEmpty.FireEvent(this,EventArgs.Empty); } else if (fuel == MaxFuel) { FuelFull.FireEvent(this,EventArgs.Empty); } if (oldFuel == 0 && Fuel != 0) { FuelNoLongerEmpty.FireEvent(this,EventArgs.Empty); } else if (oldFuel == MaxFuel && Fuel != MaxFuel) { FuelNoLongerFull.FireEvent(this,EventArgs.Empty); } }
var subscriptions = subscribeActions.ToList(); foreach (var subscription in subscriptions) { subscription((o,e) => { var index = subscriptions.IndexOf(subscription); fired.Enqueue(index); }); }
但结果是相同的,触发包含{1; 1}而不是{1; 0}.
public class FuelTank { public FuelTank() { } public FuelTank(float initialFuel,float maxFuel) { MaxFuel = maxFuel; Fuel = initialFuel; } public float Fuel { get { return fuel; } private set { var adjustedFuel = Math.Max(0,MaxFuel)); if (fuel != adjustedFuel) { var oldFuel = fuel; fuel = adjustedFuel; RaiseCheckFuelChangedEvents(oldFuel); } } } private float maxFuel; public float MaxFuel { get { return maxFuel; } set { if (value < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("MaxFuel",value,"Argument must be not be less than 0."); } maxFuel = value; } } private float fuel; public event EventHandler<FuelEventArgs> FuelChanged; public event EventHandler FuelEmpty; public event EventHandler FuelFull; public event EventHandler FuelNoLongerEmpty; public event EventHandler FuelNoLongerFull; public void AddFuel(float fuel) { Fuel += fuel; } public void ClearFuel() { Fuel = 0; } public void DrainFuel(float fuel) { Fuel -= fuel; } public void FillFuel() { Fuel = MaxFuel; } private void RaiseCheckFuelChangedEvents(float oldFuel) { FuelChanged.FireEvent(this,EventArgs.Empty); } } }
public class FuelEventArgs : EventArgs { public float NewFuel { get; private set; } public float OldFuel { get; private set; } public FuelEventArgs(float oldFuel,float newFuel) { this.OldFuel = oldFuel; this.NewFuel = newFuel; } }
public static class EventHandlerExtensions { /// <summary> /// Fires the event. This method is thread safe. /// </summary> /// <param name="handler"> The handler. </param> /// <param name="sender"> Source of the event. </param> /// <param name="args"> The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data. </param> public static void FireEvent(this EventHandler handler,object sender,EventArgs args) { var handlerCopy = handler; if (handlerCopy != null) { handlerCopy(sender,args); } } /// <summary> /// Fires the event. This method is thread safe. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"> The type of event args this handler has. </typeparam> /// <param name="handler"> The handler. </param> /// <param name="sender"> Source of the event. </param> /// <param name="args"> The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data. </param> public static void FireEvent<T>(this EventHandler<T> handler,T args) where T : EventArgs { var handlerCopy = handler; if (handlerCopy != null) { handlerCopy(sender,args); } } }
我通过Unity测试工具插件使用NUnit测试框架,Unity3D引擎,.NET版本3.5(是的,它更接近Mono 2.0,我相信)和Visual Studio 2013.
在将代码和测试提取到他们自己的项目之后(在Unity3D生态系统之外),所有测试都按预期运行,因此我将不得不将这个问题归结为Unity中的错误 – > Visual Studio桥.
public class FuelTank { private float fuel; //Basic classes for the event handling,could be done by providing a few simple delegates,//but this is just to stick as close to the original question as possible. public FuelChanged FuelChanged = new FuelChanged(); public FuelEmpty FuelEmpty = new FuelEmpty(); public FuelFull FuelFull = new FuelFull(); public FuelNoLongerEmpty FuelNoLongerEmpty = new FuelNoLongerEmpty(); public FuelNoLongerFull FuelNoLongerFull = new FuelNoLongerFull(); public float MaxFuel { get; set; } public float Fuel { get { return fuel; } private set { var adjustedFuel = Math.Max(0,EventArgs.Empty); } } }
public class FuelEventArgs : EventArgs { private float oldFuel,newFuel; public FuelEventArgs(float oldFuel,float newFuel) { this.oldFuel = oldFuel; this.newFuel = newFuel; } } public class FuelEvents { public event EventHandler FireEventHandler; public virtual void FireEvent(object sender,EventArgs fuelArgs) { EventHandler handler = FireEventHandler; if (null != handler) handler(this,fuelArgs); } } public class FuelChanged : FuelEvents { public override void FireEvent(object sender,EventArgs fuelArgs) { Console.WriteLine("Fired FuelChanged"); base.FireEvent(sender,fuelArgs); } } public class FuelEmpty : FuelEvents { public override void FireEvent(object sender,EventArgs fuelArgs) { Console.WriteLine("Fired FuelEmpty"); base.FireEvent(sender,fuelArgs); } } public class FuelFull : FuelEvents { public override void FireEvent(object sender,EventArgs fuelArgs) { Console.WriteLine("Fired FuelFull"); base.FireEvent(sender,fuelArgs); } } public class FuelNoLongerEmpty : FuelEvents { public override void FireEvent(object sender,EventArgs fuelArgs) { Console.WriteLine("Fired FuelNoLongerEmpty"); base.FireEvent(sender,fuelArgs); } } public class FuelNoLongerFull : FuelEvents { public override void FireEvent(object sender,EventArgs fuelArgs) { Console.WriteLine("Fired FuelNoLongerFull"); base.FireEvent(sender,fuelArgs); } }
[TestFixture] public class Tests { public static void ExpectEventSequence(Queue<Action<EventHandler>> subscribeActions,Action triggerAction) { var expectedSequence = new Queue<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < subscribeActions.Count; i++) { expectedSequence.Enqueue(i); } ExpectEventSequence(subscribeActions,expectedSequence); } public static void ExpectEventSequence(Queue<Action<EventHandler>> subscribeActions,Queue<int> expectedSequence) { var fired = new Queue<int>(); var actionsCount = subscribeActions.Count; //This code has been commented out due to the fact that subscription is unknown here. //I stuck to use the last solution that Nick provided himself //for (var i = 0; i < actionsCount; i++) //{ // subscription((o,e) => // { // fired.Enqueue(i); // }); //} var subscriptions = subscribeActions.ToList(); foreach (var subscription in subscriptions) { subscription((o,e) => { var index = subscriptions.IndexOf(subscription); Console.WriteLine("[ExpectEventSequence] Found index: {0}",index); fired.Enqueue(index); }); } triggerAction(); var executionIndex = 0; var inOrder = true; foreach (var firedIndex in fired) { if (firedIndex != expectedSequence.Dequeue()) { inOrder = false; break; } executionIndex++; Console.WriteLine("Execution index: {0}",executionIndex); } if (subscribeActions.Count != fired.Count) { Assert.Fail("Not all events were fired."); } if (!inOrder) { Console.WriteLine("Contents of Fired Queue: {0}",PrintValues(fired)); Assert.Fail(string.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,executionIndex)); } } private static string PrintValues(Queue<int> myCollection) { return string.Format( "{{0}}",string.Join(",",myCollection.ToArray())); } [Test()] [ExpectedException(typeof(DivideByZeroException))] public void FillFuel_Test([Values(1,100)]float maxFuel) { var fuelTank = new FuelTank() { MaxFuel = maxFuel }; var eventHandlerSequence = new Queue<Action<EventHandler>>(); eventHandlerSequence.Enqueue(x => fuelTank.FuelFull.FireEventHandler += x); //Dealing with a subclass of EventHandler eventHandlerSequence.Enqueue(x => fuelTank.FuelChanged.FireEventHandler += (o,e)); ExpectEventSequence(eventHandlerSequence,() => fuelTank.FillFuel()); } }
public static void ExpectEventSequence(Queue<Action<EventHandler>> subscribeActions,Queue<int> expectedSequence)
> lambda表达式中引入的变量在中不可见
> lambda表达式无法直接捕获ref或out参数
> lambda表达式中的return语句不会导致
> lambda表达式不能包含goto语句,break语句,
public static void ExpectEventSequence(Queue<Action<EventHandler>> subscribeActions,Queue<int> expectedSequence)
var subscriptions = subscribeActions.ToList(); foreach (var firedIndex in fired) { if (firedIndex != expectedSequence.Dequeue()) { inOrder = false; break; } executionIndex++; Console.WriteLine("Execution index: {0}",executionIndex); }
//When comparing indexes,you'll probably need to reverse the fired queue fired = new Queue<int>(fired.Reverse()); foreach (var firedIndex in fired) { if (firedIndex != expectedSequence.Dequeue()) { inOrder = false; break; } executionIndex++; Console.WriteLine("Execution index: {0}",executionIndex); }