我正在使用Entity Framework 6和sqlite数据库(System.Data.sqlite.EF6),但删除后我无法立即创建具有相同主键的条目.例如:
public class Person { [Key] [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.None)] public int Id { get; set; } public int Name { get; set; } }
1)我将此实体person1的实例(Id = 1)插入到我的人员表中.
using (var context = new MyDbContext()) { context.Create(person1); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
using (var context = new MyDbContext()) { await context.Database.ExecutesqlCommandAsync(string.Format("DELETE FROM `PersonModels`")); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
3)我尝试添加与第一步中的条目相同的主键:person2(Id = 1)
using (var context = new MyDbContext()) { context.Create(person2); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
System.InvalidOperationException: The changes to the database were committed successfully,but an error occurred while updating the object context. The ObjectContext might be in an inconsistent state. Inner exception message: Saving or accepting changes Failed because more than one entity of type ‘DbModels.PersonModel’ have the same primary key value.
我在创建新条目之前直接添加了断点(在清除表之后)并通过外部工具检查了Persons表,并且表是空的(因此没有id = 1的条目).
public DbSet<PersonModel> Persons { get; set; } public T Create<T>(T entity) where T : class { try { GetDbSetForType<T>().Add(entity); return entity; } catch (Exception ex) { return default(T); } } private DbSet<T> GetDbSetForType<T>() where T : class { var type = typeof(T); if (type == typeof(PersonModel)) return Persons as DbSet<T>; //...my other types throw new Exception("Type not found in db"); }
using (var ctx = new MyDbContext()) { var person1 = new Person { Id = 1 }; ctx.Persons.Add(person1); await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); await context.Database.ExecutesqlCommandAsync(string.Format("DELETE FROM `PersonModels`")); // This is the secret ((IObjectContextAdapter)ctx).ObjectContext.Detach(person1); ctx.Persons.Add(person1) await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); }