this MSDN page中提取了一个例子并且几乎逐字地使用了它.运行时代码编译正确,但无论是否实际对返回的数据进行了更改,changeCount都会无限增加.实际发生更改时,dataGridView1会正确反映更改.为什么我的sqlDependency看起来像是在循环中触发,即使显然没有变化?
#region Using directives using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.sqlClient; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; #endregion namespace PreAllocation_Check { public partial class Form1 : Form { int changeCount = 0; const string tableName = "MoxyPosition"; const string statusMessage = "Last: {0} - {1} changes."; DataSet dataToWatch = null; sqlConnection MoxyConn = null; sqlCommand sqlComm = null; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void Form1_Load(object sender,EventArgs e) { if (CanRequestNotifications()) { sqlDependency.Start(GetConnectionString()); if (MoxyConn == null) MoxyConn = new sqlConnection(GetConnectionString()); if (sqlComm == null) { sqlComm = new sqlCommand(Getsql(),MoxyConn); sqlParameter prm = new sqlParameter("@Quantity",sqlDbType.Int); prm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; prm.DbType = DbType.Int32; prm.Value = 100; sqlComm.Parameters.Add(prm); } if (dataToWatch == null) dataToWatch = new DataSet(); GetData(); } } private void Form1_FormClosed(object sender,FormClosedEventArgs e) { sqlDependency.Stop(GetConnectionString()); if (MoxyConn != null) MoxyConn.Close(); } private bool CanRequestNotifications() { try { sqlClientPermission sqlPerm = new sqlClientPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted); sqlPerm.Demand(); return true; } catch { return false; } } private string GetConnectionString() { return "server=***;database=***;user id=***;password=***"; } private void GetData() { dataToWatch.Clear(); sqlComm.Notification = null; sqlDependency sqlDep = new sqlDependency(sqlComm); sqlDep.OnChange += new OnChangeEventHandler(sqlDep_OnChange); using (sqlDataAdapter adapter = new sqlDataAdapter(sqlComm)) { adapter.Fill(dataToWatch,tableName); dataGridView1.DataSource = dataToWatch; dataGridView1.DataMember = tableName; } } private string Getsql() { return "SELECT PortID,CONVERT(money,SUM(PreAllocPos),1) AS PreAllocation,SUM(AllocPos),1) AS Allocation,SUM(PreAllocPos) - SUM(AllocPos),1) AS PreLessAlloc " + "FROM MoxyPosition " + "WHERE CONVERT(money,PreAllocPos,1) <> CONVERT(money,AllocPos,1) " + "GROUP BY PortID " + "ORDER BY PortID ASC;"; } void sqlDep_OnChange(object sender,sqlNotificationEventArgs e) { ISynchronizeInvoke i = (ISynchronizeInvoke)this; if (i.Invokerequired) { OnChangeEventHandler tempDelegate = new OnChangeEventHandler(sqlDep_OnChange); object[] args = { sender,e }; i.BeginInvoke(tempDelegate,args); return; } sqlDependency sqlDep = (sqlDependency)sender; sqlDep.OnChange -= sqlDep_OnChange; changeCount++; DateTime LastRefresh = System.DateTime.Now; label1.Text = String.Format(statusMessage,LastRefresh.TimeOfDay,changeCount); GetData(); } } }
编辑:值得注意的是,我想要运行此数据库的数据库当前没有启用Broker服务,因此要测试我的代码我备份了我的目标数据库并使用新名称恢复它,然后运行ALTER DATABASE my_db_name SET ENABLE_BROKER反对.我的所有测试都在这个备用数据库上,这意味着我是唯一的用户.
将模式名称添加到表“FROM DBO.MoxyPosition”
您可以看到list of requirements here,这与创建索引视图非常相似.注册sql依赖项时,如果它无效,通知会立即触发,让您知道它无效.当你考虑它时,这是有道理的,因为Visual Studio如何知道sql Engine的内部要求是什么?
> Info options
> Source
> Type
针对您的具体情况,请注意MS describes的Type属性:
Gets a value that indicates whether this notification is generated because of an actual change,OR BY THE SUBSCRIPTION.