<SysConfig IsRuntime="False" BarcodeEnabled="false" version=""> <DbPath>C:\Agilent_i1000\ICPT_DB.sqlite</DbPath> <CardDiagonsticsDelayTime>10</CardDiagonsticsDelayTime> <ScreenSpecs NameID="CoreID" XrelativeID="X" YrelativeID="Y"> <ScreenSpec Name="MainCtrlPanel" Xrelative="0" Yrelative="0" ></ScreenSpec> <ScreenSpec Name="1" Xrelative="75" Yrelative="0" NotToUse="1"></ScreenSpec> <ScreenSpec Name="2" Xrelative="75" Yrelative="25" NotToUse="1"></ScreenSpec> </ScreenSpecs> </SysConfig>
<SysConfig IsRuntime="False" BarcodeEnabled="false" version=""> <CardDiagonsticsDelayTime>20</CardDiagonsticsDelayTime> <ScreenSpecs NameID="CoreID" XrelativeID="X" YrelativeID="Y"> <ScreenSpec Name="MainCtrlPanel" Xrelative="0" Yrelative="0" ></ScreenSpec> <ScreenSpec Name="1" Xrelative="100" Yrelative="0" ></ScreenSpec> <ScreenSpec Name="2" Xrelative="75" Yrelative="25"></ScreenSpec> <ScreenSpec Name="3" Xrelative="175" Yrelative="25"></ScreenSpec> </ScreenSpecs> </SysConfig>
<SysConfig IsRuntime="False" BarcodeEnabled="false" version=""> <DbPath>C:\Agilent_i1000\ICPT_DB.sqlite</DbPath> <CardDiagonsticsDelayTime>20</CardDiagonsticsDelayTime> <ScreenSpecs NameID="CoreID" XrelativeID="X" YrelativeID="Y"> <ScreenSpec Name="MainCtrlPanel" Xrelative="0" Yrelative="0" ></ScreenSpec> <ScreenSpec Name="1" Xrelative="100" Yrelative="0" NotToUse="1" ></ScreenSpec> <ScreenSpec Name="2" Xrelative="75" Yrelative="25" NotToUse="1"></ScreenSpec> <ScreenSpec Name="3" Xrelative="175" Yrelative="25"> </ScreenSpec> </ScreenSpecs> </SysConfig>
var result = new XmlXPathDocument(); result.Load("master.xml"); var child = new XmlXPathDocument(); child.Load("child.xml"); // here we tell the class that "Name" is a discriminant attribute. // two nodes at the same level with the same discriminant attributes are considered the same,so will be merged // if we don't do this,they will considered different and they will be added if the set of their attributes is different child.AddDiscriminantAttribute("Name",string.Empty); child.InjectXml(result); result.Save("output.xml");
public class XmlXPathDocument : XmlDocument { public const string XmlNamespaceUri = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"; public const string XmlNamespacePrefix = "xmlns"; internal List<Tuple<string,string>> _discriminantAttributes = new List<Tuple<string,string>>(); public XmlXPathDocument() => Construct(); public XmlXPathDocument(XmlNaMetable naMetable) : base(naMetable) => Construct(); public XmlXPathDocument(XmlImplementation implementation) : base(implementation) => Construct(); protected virtual void Construct() => XPathNamespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NaMetable()); public virtual XmlNamespaceManager XPathNamespaceManager { get; private set; } public override XmlElement CreateElement(string prefix,string localName,string namespaceURI) => new XmlXPathElement(prefix,localName,namespaceURI,this); public override XmlCDataSection CreateCDataSection(string data) => new XmlXPathCDataSection(data,this); public override XmlText CreateTextNode(string text) => new XmlXPathText(text,this); public virtual void AddDiscriminantAttribute(string name,string namespaceURI) { if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name)); _discriminantAttributes.Add(new Tuple<string,string>(name,namespaceURI)); } public virtual bool IsDiscriminant(XmlAttribute attribute) { if (attribute == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(attribute)); foreach (var pair in _discriminantAttributes) { string ns = Nullify(attribute.NamespaceURI); string dns = Nullify(pair.Item2); if (ns == dns && pair.Item1 == attribute.LocalName) return true; } return false; } private static string Nullify(string text) { if (text == null) return null; text = text.Trim(); if (text.Length == 0) return null; return text; } internal string GetPrefix(string namespaceURI) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(namespaceURI)) return null; string prefix = XPathNamespaceManager.LookupPrefix(namespaceURI); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix)) { XPathNamespaceManager.AddNamespace(prefix,namespaceURI); return prefix; } string newPrefix; int index = 0; do { newPrefix = "ns" + index; if (XPathNamespaceManager.LookupNamespace(newPrefix) == null) break; index++; } while (true); XPathNamespaceManager.AddNamespace(newPrefix,namespaceURI); return newPrefix; } private static bool IsNamespaceAttribute(XmlAttribute attribute) { if (attribute == null) return false; return attribute.NamespaceURI == XmlNamespaceUri && attribute.Prefix == XmlNamespacePrefix; } private static IEnumerable<XmlAttribute> GetAttributes(IXmlXPathNode node) { var xe = node as XmlElement; if (xe == null) yield break; foreach (XmlAttribute att in xe.Attributes) { yield return att; } } private static XmlAttribute GetAttribute(IXmlXPathNode node,string name) => node is XmlElement xe ? xe.Attributes[name] : null; private static XmlAttribute GetAttribute(IXmlXPathNode node,string ns) => node is XmlElement xe ? xe.Attributes[localName,ns] : null; public virtual bool InjectXml(XmlDocument target) { if (target == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target)); if (DocumentElement == null) return false; bool changed = false; foreach (XmlNode node in SelectNodes("//node()")) { var xelement = node as IXmlXPathNode; if (xelement == null) continue; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xelement.XPathExpression)) continue; XmlNode other = target.SelectSingleNode(xelement.XPathExpression,XPathNamespaceManager); if (other != null) { if (other is XmlElement otherElement) { foreach (XmlAttribute att in GetAttributes(xelement)) { if (IsNamespaceAttribute(att)) continue; if (otherElement.Attributes[att.LocalName,att.NamespaceURI]?.Value != att.Value) { otherElement.SetAttribute(att.LocalName,att.NamespaceURI,att.Value); changed = true; } } continue; } } if (node is XmlXPathElement element) { XmlElement parent = EnsureTargetParent(xelement,target,out changed); XmlElement targetElement = target.CreateElement(element.LocalName,element.NamespaceURI); changed = true; if (parent == null) { target.AppendChild(targetElement); } else { parent.AppendChild(targetElement); } foreach (XmlAttribute att in GetAttributes(xelement)) { if (IsNamespaceAttribute(att)) continue; targetElement.SetAttribute(att.LocalName,att.Value); } continue; } if (node is XmlXPathCDataSection cdata) { XmlElement parent = EnsureTargetParent(xelement,out changed); var targetCData = target.CreateCDataSection(cdata.Value); changed = true; if (parent == null) { target.AppendChild(targetCData); AppendNextTexts(node,targetCData,target); } else { if (parent.ChildNodes.Count == 1 && parent.ChildNodes[0] is XmlCharacterData) { parent.RemoveChild(parent.ChildNodes[0]); } parent.AppendChild(targetCData); AppendNextTexts(node,parent); } continue; } if (node is XmlXPathText text) { XmlElement parent = EnsureTargetParent(xelement,out changed); var targetText = target.CreateTextNode(text.Value); changed = true; if (parent == null) { target.AppendChild(targetText); AppendNextTexts(node,targetText,target); } else { if (parent.ChildNodes.Count == 1 && parent.ChildNodes[0] is XmlCharacterData) { parent.RemoveChild(parent.ChildNodes[0]); } parent.AppendChild(targetText); AppendNextTexts(node,parent); } continue; } } return changed; } private static void AppendNextTexts(XmlNode textNode,XmlNode targetTextNode,XmlNode parent) { do { if (textNode.NextSibling is XmlText text) { var newText = targetTextNode.OwnerDocument.CreateTextNode(text.Value); parent.AppendChild(newText); } else { var cdata = textNode.NextSibling as XmlCDataSection; if (cdata == null) break; var newCData = targetTextNode.OwnerDocument.CreateCDataSection(cdata.Value); parent.AppendChild(newCData); } textNode = textNode.NextSibling; } while (true); } private static XmlElement EnsureTargetParent(IXmlXPathNode element,XmlDocument target,out bool changed) { changed = false; if (element.ParentNode is XmlXPathElement parent) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parent.XPathExpression)) return null; if (target.SelectSingleNode(parent.XPathExpression,element.OwnerDocument.XPathNamespaceManager) is XmlElement targetElement) return targetElement; var parentElement = EnsureTargetParent(parent,out changed); targetElement = target.CreateElement(parent.LocalName,parent.NamespaceURI); parentElement.AppendChild(targetElement); changed = true; return targetElement; } return target.DocumentElement; } } public class XmlXPathElement : XmlElement,IXmlXPathNode { private Lazy<string> _xPathExpression; public XmlXPathElement(string prefix,string namespaceURI,XmlXPathDocument doc) : base(prefix,doc) { _xPathExpression = new Lazy<string>(() => GetXPathExpression()); } public new XmlXPathDocument OwnerDocument => (XmlXPathDocument)base.OwnerDocument; public virtual string XPathExpression => _xPathExpression.Value; private static string GetAttEscapedValue(string value) { if (value.IndexOf('\'') >= 0) return "=\"" + value.Replace("\"",""") + "\""; return "='" + value + "'"; } private string GetDiscriminantAttributeXPath() { foreach (var att in OwnerDocument._discriminantAttributes) { XmlAttribute disc; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(att.Item2)) { disc = GetAttributeNode(att.Item1); } else { disc = GetAttributeNode(att.Item1,att.Item2); } if (disc != null) { string newPrefix = OwnerDocument.GetPrefix(NamespaceURI); string name = Name + "[@" + disc.Name + GetAttEscapedValue(disc.Value) + "]"; if (newPrefix != null) { name = newPrefix + ":" + name; } return name; } } return null; } private string GetAttributesXPath() { if (Attributes.Count == 0) return null; var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (XmlAttribute att in Attributes) { if (sb.Length > 0) { sb.Append(" and "); } sb.Append("@"); sb.Append(att.Name); sb.Append(GetAttEscapedValue(att.Value)); OwnerDocument.GetPrefix(att.NamespaceURI); } var text = sb.ToString().Trim(); if (text.Length == 0) return null; return "[" + text + "]"; } private string GetXPath(XmlNodeList parentNodes) { string discriminant = GetDiscriminantAttributeXPath(); if (discriminant != null) return discriminant; string name = Name; string newPrefix = OwnerDocument.GetPrefix(NamespaceURI); if (newPrefix != null) { name = newPrefix + ":" + LocalName; } if (parentNodes.Count == 1) return name; var sameName = new List<XmlElement>(); foreach (XmlNode node in parentNodes) { if (node.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) continue; if (node.Name == Name) { sameName.Add((XmlElement)node); } } if (sameName.Count == 1) return name; string byIndex = null; var sameAtts = new List<XmlElement>(); for (int i = 0; i < sameName.Count; i++) { if (sameName[i] == this) { byIndex = name + "[" + (i + 1) + "]"; continue; } bool same = true; foreach (XmlAttribute att in Attributes) { XmlAttribute sameAtt = sameName[i].Attributes[att.LocalName,att.NamespaceURI]; if (sameAtt == null || string.Compare(sameAtt.Value,att.Value,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) { same = false; break; } } if (same) { sameAtts.Add(sameName[i]); } } if (sameAtts.Count == 0) return name + GetAttributesXPath(); return byIndex; } private string GetXPathExpression() { if (ParentNode == null) { string name = Name; string newPrefix = OwnerDocument.GetPrefix(NamespaceURI); if (newPrefix != null) { name = newPrefix + ":" + name; } return name; } string expr = GetXPath(ParentNode.ChildNodes); if (ParentNode is XmlXPathElement parent) { expr = parent.XPathExpression + "/" + expr; } if (ParentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Document) { expr = "/" + expr; } return expr; } } public class XmlXPathText : XmlText,IXmlXPathNode { private Lazy<string> _xPathExpression; public XmlXPathText(string data,XmlXPathDocument doc) : base(data,doc) { _xPathExpression = new Lazy<string>(() => GetTextXPathExpression(this)); } public new XmlXPathDocument OwnerDocument => (XmlXPathDocument)base.OwnerDocument; public virtual string XPathExpression => _xPathExpression.Value; internal static string GetTextXPathExpression(XmlNode node) { if (node.ParentNode is IXmlXPathNode element) return element.XPathExpression + "/text()"; return null; } } public class XmlXPathCDataSection : XmlCDataSection,IXmlXPathNode { private Lazy<string> _xPathExpression; public XmlXPathCDataSection(string data,doc) { _xPathExpression = new Lazy<string>(() => XmlXPathText.GetTextXPathExpression(this)); } public new XmlXPathDocument OwnerDocument => (XmlXPathDocument)base.OwnerDocument; public virtual string XPathExpression => _xPathExpression.Value; } public interface IXmlXPathNode { string XPathExpression { get; } XmlNode ParentNode { get; } XmlXPathDocument OwnerDocument { get; } }