enum Quantity { Mass.Kg,Mass.g,Length.m,Length.mm }
using System; using Moq; namespace ConsoleApplication26 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //use a Mock to play with the API Mock<ITelemetryPublisherFactory> mockTelemetryPublisherFactory = new Mock<ITelemetryPublisherFactory>(); var telemetryPublisherFactory = mockTelemetryPublisherFactory.Object; //example usages var massTelemetryPublisher = telemetryPublisherFactory.GetChannelSamplePublisher<Double>("My Mass",Mass.Kg); massTelemetryPublisher.PublishChannelSampleAtTimeNow(83.4); var lengthTelemetryPublisher = telemetryPublisherFactory.GetChannelSamplePublisher<Int32>("My Height",Length.μm); lengthTelemetryPublisher.PublishChannelSampleAtTimeNow(1800000); //10 years time.. lengthTelemetryPublisher.PublishChannelSampleAtTimeNow(1800000); massTelemetryPublisher.PublishChannelSampleAtTimeNow(120.1); } } public interface ITelemetryPublisherFactory { ITelemetryPublisher<T> GetChannelSamplePublisher<T>(String channelName,Quantity quantity); } public interface ITelemetryPublisher<T> { void PublishChannelSampleAtTimeNow(T sampleValue); } public abstract class Quantity {} public class Mass : Quantity { private enum Unit { g,Kg } private readonly Unit _unit; private Mass(Unit unit) { _unit = unit; } public static Quantity Kg {get { return new Mass(Unit.Kg); }} public static Quantity g { get { return new Mass(Unit.g); } } public override string ToString() { return String.Format("Mass.{0}",_unit); } } public class Length : Quantity { private enum Unit { m,mm,μm,beardSecond } private readonly Unit _unit; private Length(Unit unit) { _unit = unit; } public static Quantity m { get { return new Length(Unit.m); } } public static Quantity mm { get { return new Length(Unit.mm); } } public static Quantity μm { get { return new Length(Unit.μm); } } public static Quantity beardSecond { get { return new Length(Unit.beardSecond); } } public override string ToString() { return String.Format("Length.{0}",_unit); } } }
Quantity pattern的想法.由于您还想记录度量单位的“类型”,因此可以创建一个记录该信息的UnitType类:
public sealed partial class UnitType { public string Name { get; private set; } public UnitType(string name) { Name = name; } } public sealed partial class Unit { public string Name { get; private set; } public UnitType Type { get; private set; } public Unit(string name,UnitType type) { Name = name; Type = type; } }
public partial class UnitType { public static readonly UnitType Mass = new UnitType("Mass"); public static readonly UnitType Length = new UnitType("Length"); } public partial class Unit { public static readonly Unit Grams = new Unit("g",UnitType.Mass); public static readonly Unit Kilos = new Unit("kg",UnitType.Mass); // ... }
public static class Mass { public static readonly UnitType Type = new UnitType("Mass"); public static readonly Unit Grams = new Unit("g",Type); public static readonly Unit Kilos = new Unit("kg",Type); ... } public static class Length ...
var eniacWeight = new Quantity(27,Mass.Tons);
var eniacWeight = 27.Tons();