我是否错过了一些代码或者这是Automapper中的错误,我必须向Automapper的错误跟踪器报告此问题?或者它可能是“按设计”,但为什么呢? (Ivan Stoev提出了一个有效的解决方案,但请允许我推迟接受答案,因为我面临的问题不是那么简单,我在下面的更新中添加了更多细节).
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using AutoMapper; using AutoMapper.QueryableExtensions; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; namespace AutoMapperIssue { public class Source { public string Name; public string Desc; } public class DtoBase { public string Name { get; set; } } public class DtoDerived : DtoBase { public string Desc { get; set; } } [TestClass] public class UnitTest1 { [AssemblyInitialize] public static void AssemblyInit(TestContext context) { Mapper.Initialize(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap<Source,DtoBase>() .ForMember(dto => dto.Name,conf => { // line 1-1 conf.MapFrom(src => src.Name); // line 1-2 conf.ExplicitExpansion(); // line 1-3 }) // line 1-4 .Include<Source,DtoDerived>(); cfg.CreateMap<Source,DtoDerived>() // place 2.1 .ForMember(dto => dto.Desc,conf => { conf.MapFrom(src => src.Desc); conf.ExplicitExpansion(); }); }); Mapper.Configuration.CompileMappings(); Mapper.AssertConfigurationIsValid(); } private readonly IQueryable<Source> _iq = new List<Source> { new Source() { Name = "Name1",Desc = "Descr",},} .AsQueryable(); [TestMethod] public void ProjectAll_Success() { var projectTo = _iq.ProjectTo<DtoDerived>(_ => _.Name,_ => _.Desc); Assert.AreEqual(1,projectTo.Count()); var first = projectTo.First(); Assert.IsNotNull(first.Desc); Assert.AreEqual("Descr",first.Desc); Assert.IsNotNull(first.Name); Assert.AreEqual("Name1",first.Name); } [TestMethod] public void SkipDerived_Success() { var projectTo = _iq.ProjectTo<DtoDerived>(_ => _.Name); Assert.AreEqual(1,projectTo.Count()); var first = projectTo.First(); Assert.IsNotNull(first.Name); Assert.AreEqual("Name1",first.Name); Assert.IsNull(first.Desc,"Should not be expanded."); } [TestMethod] public void SkipBase_Fail() { var projectTo = _iq.ProjectTo<DtoDerived>(_ => _.Desc); Assert.AreEqual(1,first.Desc); Assert.IsNull(first.Name,"Should not be expanded. Fails here. Why?"); } [TestMethod] public void SkipAll_Fail() { var projectTo = _iq.ProjectTo<DtoDerived>(); Assert.AreEqual(1,projectTo.Count()); var first = projectTo.First(); Assert.IsNull(first.Desc,"Should not be expanded."); Assert.IsNull(first.Name,"Should not be expanded. Fails here. Why?"); } } }
<package id="AutoMapper" version="5.2.0" targetFramework="net452" />
UPD. Ivan Stoev全面回答了如何解决上面编码的问题.除非我被迫使用字段名称的字符串数组而不是MemberExpressions,否则它的效果非常好.这与这种方法与Value类型的成员(例如int,int?)崩溃有关.在下面的第一个单元测试中演示了崩溃堆栈跟踪.我会在另一个问题中询问它,或者更确切地说是在bug跟踪器中创建一个问题,因为崩溃肯定是一个bug.
UnitTest2.cs – 修复了Ivan Stoev的回答
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using AutoMapper; using AutoMapper.QueryableExtensions; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; namespace AutoMapperIssue.StringPropertyNames { /* int? (or any ValueType) instead of string - .ProjectTo<> crashes on using MemberExpressions in projction */ using NameSourceType = Nullable<int> /* String */; using NameDtoType = Nullable<int> /* String */; using DescSourceType = Nullable<int> /* String */; using DescDtoType = Nullable<int> /* String*/; public class Source { public NameSourceType Name { get; set; } public DescSourceType Desc { get; set; } } public class DtoBase { public NameDtoType Name { get; set; } } public class DtoDerived : DtoBase { public DescDtoType Desc { get; set; } } static class MyMappers { public static IMappingExpression<TSource,TDestination> Configure<TSource,TDestination>(this IMappingExpression<TSource,TDestination> target) where TSource : Source where TDestination : DtoBase { return target.ForMember(dto => dto.Name,conf => { conf.MapFrom(src => src.Name); conf.ExplicitExpansion(); }); } } [TestClass] public class UnitTest2 { [ClassInitialize] public static void ClassInit(TestContext context) { Mapper.Initialize(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap<Source,DtoBase>() .Configure() .Include<Source,DtoDerived>() .Configure() .ForMember(dto => dto.Desc,conf => { conf.MapFrom(src => src.Desc); conf.ExplicitExpansion(); }) ; }); Mapper.Configuration.CompileMappings(); Mapper.AssertConfigurationIsValid(); } private static readonly IQueryable<Source> _iq = new List<Source> { new Source() { Name = -25 /* "Name1" */,Desc = -12 /* "Descr" */,} .AsQueryable(); private static readonly Source _iqf = _iq.First(); [TestMethod] public void ProjectAllWithMemberExpression_Exception() { _iq.ProjectTo<DtoDerived>(_ => _.Name,_ => _.Desc); // Exception here,no way to use Expressions with current release //Test method AutoMapperIssue.StringPropertyNames.UnitTest2.ProjectAllWithMemberExpression_Exception threw exception: //System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. // // at System.Linq.Enumerable.<SelectManyIterator>d__16`2.MoveNext() // at System.Linq.Enumerable.<DistinctIterator>d__63`1.MoveNext() // at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source) // at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) // at AutoMapper.QueryableExtensions.ProjectionExpression.To[TResult](IDictionary`2 parameters,IEnumerable`1 memberPathsToExpand) // at AutoMapper.QueryableExtensions.ProjectionExpression.To[TResult](Object parameters,Expression`1[] membersToExpand) // at AutoMapper.QueryableExtensions.Extensions.ProjectTo[TDestination](IQueryable source,IConfigurationProvider configuration,Object parameters,Expression`1[] membersToExpand) // at AutoMapperIssue.StringPropertyNames.UnitTest2.ProjectAllWithMemberExpression_Exception() in D:\01\AutoMapperIssue\UnitTest2.cs:line 84 } #pragma warning disable 649 private DtoDerived d; #pragma warning restore 649 [TestMethod] public void ProjectAll_Fail() { var projectTo = _iq.ProjectTo<DtoDerived>(null,new string[] { nameof(d.Name),nameof(d.Desc) } /* _ => _.Name,_ => _.Desc */); Assert.AreEqual(1,projectTo.Count()); var first = projectTo.First(); Assert.IsNotNull(first.Desc,"Should be expanded."); Assert.AreEqual(_iqf.Desc,first.Desc); Assert.IsNotNull(first.Name,"Should be expanded. Fails here,why?"); Assert.AreEqual(_iqf.Name,first.Name); } [TestMethod] public void BaSEOnly_Fail() { var projectTo = _iq.ProjectTo<DtoDerived>(null,new string[] { nameof(d.Name) } /* _ => _.Name */); Assert.AreEqual(1,"Should NOT be expanded."); Assert.IsNotNull(first.Name,first.Name); } [TestMethod] public void DerivedOnly_Success() { var projectTo = _iq.ProjectTo<DtoDerived>(null,new string[] { nameof(d.Desc) } /* _ => _.Desc */); Assert.AreEqual(1,"Should be expanded."); Assert.AreEqual(_iqf.Desc,"Should NOT be expanded."); } [TestMethod] public void SkipAll_Success() { var projectTo = _iq.ProjectTo<DtoDerived>(null,new string[] { }); Assert.AreEqual(1,"Should NOT be expanded."); Assert.IsNull(first.Name,"Should NOT be expanded."); } } }
Have I missed some piece of code
or is this a bug in Automapper and I have to report this issue to Automapper’s bug tracker? Or is it probably “by design”,but why?
我怀疑这是“按设计”,很可能是错误或不完整的快速和脏实施.可以在PropertyMap类的ApplyInheritedPropertyMap方法的source code内部看到,该方法负责组合基本属性和派生属性配置. “继承的”映射属性目前是:
> CustomExpression
> CustomResolver
> NullSubstitute
> MappingOrder
> ValueResolverConfig
> AllowNull
> UseDestinationValue
> ExplicitExpansion
static class MyMappers { public static IMappingExpression<TSource,TDestination> target) where TSource : Source where TDestination : DtoBase { return target .ForMember(dto => dto.Name,conf => { conf.MapFrom(src => src.Name); conf.ExplicitExpansion(); }); } }
Mapper.Initialize(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap<Source,DtoBase>() .Configure(); cfg.CreateMap<Source,DtoDerived>() .Configure() .ForMember(dto => dto.Desc,conf => { conf.MapFrom(src => src.Desc); conf.ExplicitExpansion(); }); });
第一种情况(带表达式)对于值类型失败,因为尝试从Expression< Func< T,object>>中提取MemberInfo的实现我只期待MemberExpression,但是在值类型的情况下,它包含在Expression.Convert中.
// From reflection var nameA = typeof(DtoDerived).GetMember(nameof(DtoDerived.Name)).Single(); // Same as //var nameA = typeof(DtoDerived).GetProperty(nameof(DtoDerived.Name)); // From compile time expression Expression<Func<DtoDerived,NameDtoType>> compileTimeExpr = _ => _.Name; var nameB = ((MemberExpression)compileTimeExpr.Body).Member; // From runtime expression var runTimeExpr = Expression.PropertyOrField(Expression.Parameter(typeof(DtoDerived)),nameof(DtoDerived.Name)); var nameC = runTimeExpr.Member; Assert.AreEqual(nameA,nameC); // Success Assert.AreEqual(nameA,nameB); // Fail