ALTER PROC ResultsPoll @pollid INT AS DECLARE @count1 INT DECLARE @count2 INT DECLARE @count3 INT DECLARE @count4 INT DECLARE @count5 INT DECLARE @test VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @value VARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @count1 = COUNT(mem_id) FROM Students_answer_Polls INNER JOIN Polls ON Polls.poll_id = Students_answer_Polls.poll_id WHERE Students_answer_Polls.poll_id = @pollid AND Students_answer_Polls.answer = Polls.a1 SELECT @count2 = COUNT(mem_id) FROM Students_answer_Polls INNER JOIN Polls ON Polls.poll_id = Students_answer_Polls.poll_id WHERE Students_answer_Polls.poll_id = @pollid AND Students_answer_Polls.answer = Polls.a2 SELECT @count3 = COUNT(mem_id) FROM Students_answer_Polls INNER JOIN Polls ON Polls.poll_id = Students_answer_Polls.poll_id WHERE Students_answer_Polls.poll_id = @pollid AND Students_answer_Polls.answer = Polls.a3 SELECT @count4 = COUNT(mem_id) FROM Students_answer_Polls INNER JOIN Polls ON Polls.poll_id = Students_answer_Polls.poll_id WHERE Students_answer_Polls.poll_id = @pollid AND Students_answer_Polls.answer = Polls.a4 SELECT @count5 = COUNT(mem_id) FROM Students_answer_Polls INNER JOIN Polls ON Polls.poll_id = Students_answer_Polls.poll_id WHERE Students_answer_Polls.poll_id = @pollid AND Students_answer_Polls.answer = Polls.a5 SELECT @test=Polls.a1 FROM Polls WHERE poll_id = @pollid IF(@test IS NOT NULL) BEGIN PRINT ('Number of students who chose '+@test+' is:'+' '+CAST (@count1 AS VARCHAR(MAX))) END SELECT @test=Polls.a2 FROM Polls WHERE poll_id = @pollid IF(@test IS NOT NULL) BEGIN PRINT ('Number of students who chose '+@test+' is:'+' '+CAST (@count2 AS VARCHAR(MAX))) END SELECT @test=Polls.a3 FROM Polls WHERE poll_id = @pollid IF(@test IS NOT NULL) BEGIN PRINT ('Number of students who chose '+@test+' is:'+' '+CAST (@count3 AS VARCHAR(MAX))) END SELECT @test=Polls.a4 FROM Polls WHERE poll_id = @pollid IF(@test IS NOT NULL) BEGIN PRINT ('Number of students who chose '+@test+' is:'+' '+CAST (@count4 AS VARCHAR(MAX))) END SELECT @test=Polls.a5 FROM Polls WHERE poll_id = @pollid IF(@test IS NOT NULL) BEGIN PRINT ('Number of students who chose '+@test+' is:'+' '+CAST (@count5 AS VARCHAR(MAX))) END