我是新的单元测试MVVM和使用PRISM在我的项目.我正在对我们当前的项目进行单元测试,没有运气在线查找资源,告诉我如何测试调用异步方法的DelegateCommand.这是对我的帖子 –
How to Unit Test a ViewModel with async method.的后续问题,关于如何在MVVM中单元测试异步方法,并回答说可以使用异步TestMethod测试公共方法.只有当我想测试的方法是公共方法时,这种情况才会起作用.
问题是我想测试我的DelegateCommand,因为这是我想在其他类上公开的唯一公开细节,其他的都是私有的.我可以将我的私有方法公开,但我永远不会这样做,因为它是一个糟糕的设计.我不知道如何去做 – 代表委员会需要测试,还有其他一些工作呢?我有兴趣知道别人怎么做,不知何故让我走上正确的道路.
async void GetTasksAsync() { this.SimpleTasks.Clear(); Func<IList<ISimpleTask>> taskAction = () => { var result = this.dataService.GetTasks(); if (token.IsCancellationRequested) return null; return result; }; IsBusyTreeView = true; Task<IList<ISimpleTask>> getTasksTask = Task<IList<ISimpleTask>>.Factory.StartNew(taskAction,token); var l = await getTasksTask; // waits for getTasksTask if (l != null) { foreach (ISimpleTask t in l) { this.SimpleTasks.Add(t); // adds to viewmodel.SimpleTask } } }
this.GetTasksCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.GetTasks); void GetTasks() { GetTasksAsync(); }
[TestMethod] public void Command_Test_GetTasksCommand() { Myviewmodel.GetTaskCommand.Execute(); // this should populate viewmodel.SimpleTask Assert.IsTrue(MyBiewModel.SimpleTask != null) }
public class AsyncCommand : ICommand { public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged; public Func<Task> ExecutedHandler { get; private set; } public Func<bool> CanExecuteHandler { get; private set; } public AsyncCommand(Func<Task> executedHandler,Func<bool> canExecuteHandler = null) { if (executedHandler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("executedHandler"); } this.ExecutedHandler = executedHandler; this.CanExecuteHandler = canExecuteHandler; } public Task Execute() { return this.ExecutedHandler(); } public bool CanExecute() { return this.CanExecuteHandler == null || this.CanExecuteHandler(); } public void RaiseCanExecuteChanged() { if (this.CanExecuteChanged != null) { this.CanExecuteChanged(this,new EventArgs()); } } bool ICommand.CanExecute(object parameter) { return this.CanExecute(); } async void ICommand.Execute(object parameter) { await this.Execute(); } }
public class viewmodel { public AsyncCommand AsyncCommand { get; private set; } public bool Executed { get; private set; } public viewmodel() { Executed = false; AsyncCommand = new AsyncCommand(Execute); } private async Task Execute() { await(Task.Delay(1000)); Executed = true; } }
[TestMethod] public async Task TestAsyncCommand() { var viewmodel = new viewmodel(); Assert.IsFalse(viewmodel.Executed); await viewmodel.AsyncCommand.Execute(); Assert.IsTrue(viewmodel.Executed); }