
参见英文答案 > Covariance and contravariance real world example9个

First consider the array type constructor: from the type Animal we can make the type Animal[] (“array of animals”). Should we treat this as

  • Covariant: a Cat[] is a Animal[]
  • Contravariant: a Animal[] is a Cat[]
  • or neither (invariant)?

If we wish to avoid type errors,and the array supports both reading and writing elements,then only the third choice is safe. Clearly,not every Animal[] can be treated as if it were a Cat[],since a client reading from the array will expect a Cat,but an Animal[] may contain e.g. a Dog. So the contravariant rule is not safe.

Conversely,a Cat[] can not be treated as a Animal[]. It should always be possible to put a Dog into a Animal[]. With covariant arrays this can not be guaranteed to be safe,since the backing store might actually be an array of cats. So the covariant rule is also not safe—the array constructor should be invariant. Note that this is only a issue for mutable arrays; the covariant rule is safe for immutable (read-only) arrays.



它在编译时不安全.换句话说,这些代码在语言规则中是合法的,但在执行时失败,没有任何明确的强制转换来给出“这可能会失败”的大警告信号. CLR确保在执行时只有有效写入成功.例如:
string[] strings = new string[1];
object[] objects = strings;
objects[0] = new object();



> One by me关于使用通用包装的性能和安全性
> One on immutable arrays来自BCL团队
> Part 2 of Eric Lippert’s blog series on variance in general(该系列主要针对仿制药,但这部分是针对阵列的)
