@H_403_2@private static int Diff (int c0,int c1)
unsafe {
byte* pc0 = (byte*) &c0;
byte* pc1 = (byte*) &c1;
int d0 = pc0[0] - pc1[0];
int d1 = pc0[1] - pc1[1];
int d2 = pc0[2] - pc1[2];
int d3 = pc0[3] - pc1[3];
d0 *= d0;
d1 *= d1;
d2 *= d2;
d3 *= d3;
return d0 + d1 + d2 + d3;
>多线程 – 我会用的
编辑:为方便起见,一些反映真实环境和用例的测试代码. (实际上,涉及更多的数据,并且数据不在单个大块中进行比较,而是在多个几kb的数据块中进行比较.)
@H_403_2@public static class ByteCompare { private static void Main () { const int n = 1024 * 1024 * 20; const int repeat = 20; var rnd = new Random (0); Console.Write ("Generating test data... "); var t0 = Enumerable.Range (1,n) .Select (x => rnd.Next (int.MinValue,int.MaxValue)) .ToArray (); var t1 = Enumerable.Range (1,int.MaxValue)) .ToArray (); Console.WriteLine ("complete."); GC.Collect (2,GCCollectionMode.Forced); Console.WriteLine ("GCs: " + GC.CollectionCount (0)); { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew (); long res = 0; for (int reps = 0; reps < repeat; reps++) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int c0 = t0[i]; int c1 = t1[i]; res += ByteDiff_REGULAR (c0,c1); } } sw.Stop (); Console.WriteLine ("res=" + res + ",t=" + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString ("0.00") + "s - ByteDiff_REGULAR"); } { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew (); long res = 0; for (int reps = 0; reps < repeat; reps++) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int c0 = t0[i]; int c1 = t1[i]; res += ByteDiff_UNSAFE (c0,t=" + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString ("0.00") + "s - ByteDiff_UNSAFE_PTR"); } Console.WriteLine ("GCs: " + GC.CollectionCount (0)); Console.WriteLine ("Test complete."); Console.ReadKey (true); } public static int ByteDiff_REGULAR (int c0,int c1) { var c00 = (byte) (c0 >> (8 * 0)); var c01 = (byte) (c0 >> (8 * 1)); var c02 = (byte) (c0 >> (8 * 2)); var c03 = (byte) (c0 >> (8 * 3)); var c10 = (byte) (c1 >> (8 * 0)); var c11 = (byte) (c1 >> (8 * 1)); var c12 = (byte) (c1 >> (8 * 2)); var c13 = (byte) (c1 >> (8 * 3)); var d0 = (c00 - c10); var d1 = (c01 - c11); var d2 = (c02 - c12); var d3 = (c03 - c13); d0 *= d0; d1 *= d1; d2 *= d2; d3 *= d3; return d0 + d1 + d2 + d3; } private static int ByteDiff_UNSAFE (int c0,int c1) { unsafe { byte* pc0 = (byte*) &c0; byte* pc1 = (byte*) &c1; int d0 = pc0[0] - pc1[0]; int d1 = pc0[1] - pc1[1]; int d2 = pc0[2] - pc1[2]; int d3 = pc0[3] - pc1[3]; d0 *= d0; d1 *= d1; d2 *= d2; d3 *= d3; return d0 + d1 + d2 + d3; } } }这对我来说(在i5上运行为x64 Release):
@H_403_2@Generating test data... complete. GCs: 8 res=18324555528140,t=1.46s - ByteDiff_REGULAR res=18324555528140,t=1.15s - ByteDiff_UNSAFE res=18324555528140,t=1.73s - Diff_Alex1 res=18324555528140,t=1.63s - Diff_Alex2 res=18324555528140,t=3.59s - Diff_Alex3 res=18325828513740,t=3.90s - Diff_Alex4 GCs: 8 Test complete.解决方法
Most obvIoUsly,this would benefit from SIMD,but let us suppose I don’t want to go there because it is a bit of a hassle.
@H_403_2@byte b0_leftmost = (c0 & 0xff000000) >> 24;