c# – 将Epplus Excel转换中的合并单元格处理为HTML

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了c# – 将Epplus Excel转换中的合并单元格处理为HTML前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我正在使用Epplus将Excel电子表格呈现为 HTML.到目前为止,它非常非常好,除了一件事……跨越合并的细胞.我似乎无法使逻辑正确.我想我会把它扔出去看看社区将如何处理它.到目前为止,这是我的代码.
public String ParseExcelStamps(String FileName)
    FileInfo theFile = new FileInfo(FileName);
    String html = "";
    using (ExcelPackage xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(theFile))
        var workbook = xlPackage.Workbook;
        if (workbook != null)
            for (int j = 1; j <= workbook.Worksheets.Count; j++)
                Tab tab = new Tab();
                html+= "<table style='border-collapse: collapse;font-family:arial;'><tbody>";
                var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[j];
                tab.Title = worksheet.Name;
                if (worksheet.Dimension == null) { continue; }
                int rowCount = 0;
                int maxColumnNumber = worksheet.Dimension.End.Column;
                var convertedRecords = new List<List<string>>(worksheet.Dimension.End.Row);
                var excelRows = worksheet.Cells.GroupBy(c => c.Start.Row).ToList();
                excelRows.ForEach(r =>
                    html += String.Format("<tr>");
                    var currentRecord = new List<string>(maxColumnNumber);
                    var cells = r.OrderBy(cell => cell.Start.Column).ToList();
                    Double rowHeight = worksheet.Row(rowCount).Height;
                    for (int i = 1; i <= maxColumnNumber; i++)
                        var currentCell = cells.Where(c => c.Start.Column == i).FirstOrDefault();

                        //look aheads for colspan and rowspan
                        ExcelRangeBase prevIoUsCellAbove = null;
                        ExcelRangeBase prevIoUsCell = null;
                        ExcelRangeBase nextCell = null;
                        ExcelRangeBase nextCellBelow = null;
                        try { prevIoUsCellAbove = worksheet.Cells[rowCount-1,i]; }catch (Exception) { }
                        try { prevIoUsCell = worksheet.Cells[rowCount,(i - 1)]; }catch (Exception) { }
                        try { nextCell = worksheet.Cells[rowCount,(i + 1)]; }catch (Exception) { }
                        try { nextCellBelow = worksheet.Cells[rowCount+1,i]; }catch (Exception) { }

                        if ((prevIoUsCell != null) && (prevIoUsCell.Merge) && (currentCell != null) && (currentCell.Merge)){continue;}
                        if ((prevIoUsCellAbove != null) && (prevIoUsCellAbove.Merge) && (currentCell != null)) {continue; }

                        if (currentCell == null)
                            html += String.Format("<td>{0}</td>",String.Empty);
                            int colSpan = 1;
                            int rowSpan = 1;
                            if ((nextCell != null) && (nextCell.Merge) && (currentCell.Merge)) {
                                colSpan = 2;
                               // Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} - {1}",currentCell.Address,nextCell.Address));

                            if ((nextCellBelow != null) && (nextCellBelow.Merge) && (currentCell.Merge)) {
                                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} - {1}",nextCellBelow.Address));

                            html += String.Format("<td colspan={0} rowspan={1}>{2}</td>",colSpan,rowSpan,currentCell.Value);
                    html += String.Format("</tr>");
                html += "</tbody></table>";
            }//worksheet loop
    return html;




int colSpan = 1;
int rowSpan = 1;

//check if this is the start of a merged cell
ExcelAddress cellAddress = new ExcelAddress(currentCell.Address);

var mCellsResult = (from c in worksheet.MergedCells 
                let addr = new ExcelAddress(c)
                    where cellAddress.Start.Row >= addr.Start.Row &&
                    cellAddress.End.Row <= addr.End.Row &&
                    cellAddress.Start.Column >= addr.Start.Column &&
                    cellAddress.End.Column <= addr.End.Column 
                select addr);

if (mCellsResult.Count() >0)
    var mCells = mCellsResult.First();

    //if the cell and the merged cell do not share a common start address then skip this cell as it's already been covered by a prevIoUs item
    if (mCells.Start.Address != cellAddress.Start.Address)

    if(mCells.Start.Column != mCells.End.Column) {
        colSpan += mCells.End.Column - mCells.Start.Column;

    if (mCells.Start.Row != mCells.End.Row)
        rowSpan += mCells.End.Row - mCells.Start.Row;

//load up data
html += String.Format("<td colspan={0} rowspan={1}>{2}</td>",currentCell.Value);
