> .NET 4(C#)
> Excel 2010(使用Excel API可以)
> 5列,所有字符串(非常简单和规则的表结构)
在线搜索会给出很多结果,我是否会使用OleDb,ADO Recordset或其他内容感到困惑.这些技术中的一些似乎对我的场景似乎是过度的,有些似乎可能已经过时了.
@H_301_24@ 尊重您的要求,以避免第三方工具和使用COM对象,我将如何做.>添加对项目的引用:Com对象
Microsoft Excel 11.0.
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
private void DoThatExcelThing() { ApplicationClass myExcel; try { myExcel = GetObject(,"Excel.Application") } catch (Exception ex) { myExcel = New ApplicationClass() } myExcel.Visible = true; Workbook wb1 = myExcel.Workbooks.Add(""); Worksheet ws1 = (Worksheet)wb1.Worksheets[1]; //Read the connection string from App.Config string strConn = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NewConnString"].ConnectionString; //Open a connection to the database sqlConnection myConn = new sqlConnection(); myConn.ConnectionString = strConn; myConn.Open(); //Establish the query sqlCommand myCmd = new sqlCommand("select * from employees",myConn); sqlDataReader myRdr = myCmd.ExecuteReader(); //Read the data and put into the spreadsheet. int j = 3; while (myRdr.Read()) { for (int i=0 ; i < myRdr.FieldCount; i++) { ws1.Cells[j,i+1] = myRdr[i].ToString(); } j++; } //Populate the column names for (int i = 0; i < myRdr.FieldCount ; i++) { ws1.Cells[2,i+1] = myRdr.GetName(i); } myRdr.Close(); myConn.Close(); //Add some formatting Range rng1 = ws1.get_Range("A1","H1"); rng1.Font.Bold = true; rng1.Font.ColorIndex = 3; rng1.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter; Range rng2 = ws1.get_Range("A2","H50"); rng2.WrapText = false; rng2.EntireColumn.AutoFit(); //Add a header row ws1.get_Range("A1","H1").EntireRow.Insert(XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftDown,Missing.Value); ws1.Cells[1,1] = "Employee Contact List"; Range rng3 = ws1.get_Range("A1","H1"); rng3.Merge(Missing.Value); rng3.Font.Size = 16; rng3.Font.ColorIndex = 3; rng3.Font.Underline = true; rng3.Font.Bold = true; rng3.VerticalAlignment = XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter; //Save and close string strFileName = String.Format("Employees{0}.xlsx",DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss")); System.IO.File.Delete(strFileName); wb1.SaveAs(strFileName,XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookDefault,Missing.Value,XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlExclusive,false,Missing.Value); myExcel.Quit(); }