abstract class BaseRepo { private readonly string _readconn; private readonly string _writeconn; public BaseRepo(string readConnection,string writeConnection) { _readconn = readConnection; //Actually IEnumerable<string> for ℕ slaves _writeconn = writeConnection; } private sqlConnection GetOpenConnection(string cnstring) { var c = new sqlConnection(cnstring); c.Open(); return c; } public sqlConnection GetOpenReadConnection() { return this.GetOpenConnection(_readconn); // Actually we use some business-logic to determine *which* of the slaves to use } public sqlConnection GetOpenWriteConnection() { return this.GetOpenConnection(_writeconn); } } class CustomerRepo : BaseRepo { // ...ctor left out for brevity... // "Read" functions use the "read" connection public IEnumerable<Customer> ListCustomers() { using (var c = this.GetOpenReadConnection()) { return c.Query<Customer>("select * from customers order by name") .AsEnumerable(); } } // "Write" functions use the "write" connection public void UpdateCustomer(Customer cust) { using (var c = this.GetOpenWriteConnection()) { c.Execute("update customers set name = @name where id = @id",cust); } } }
我的问题是假设我想使用实体框架(“代码第一”,应该是相关的)而不是Dapper;我最好如何实现同样的概念;针对“主”@R_301_457@执行插入/更新/删除,并针对从属(或任何从属)执行选择. EF是否支持这种情况?我需要做什么才能使这项工作?
附加信息:我已经在sql Server级使用’只读’和’只写’用户作为’最后一道防线’来防止DAL中的任何错误.我正在寻找的是一种限制我的DAL的方法,以避免由于“不允许”操作而必须捕获sql Server异常,并且必须首先访问(不正确的)sql服务器,才能找到所需的操作不允许.我可以像现在一样使用相同的方法;在方法本身中实例化/使用正确的DbContext(上述示例中的listcustomers / updatecustomer).我明白了.但是这意味着我必须为每个“实体”上的每个“CRUD”操作创建一个“包装器”功能,这就是为什么我从dapper转移到EF首先;简单地暴露一个DBSet,并让EF处理更改/ SQL查询等等,现在,希望还可以找出每个操作要使用的连接字符串.
public partial class CustomerEntities : DbContext { protected CustomerEntities(string nameOrConnectionString):base(nameOrConnectionString) { } } public class ReadonlyCustomerEntities : CustomerEntities { public ReadonlyCustomerEntities () : base("name=ReadonlyCustomerEntities") { } public override int SaveChanges() { // Throw if they try to call this throw new InvalidOperationException("This context is read-only."); } }