namespace HospitalMgt.Data { public static class DBConnection { public static string constr = "Data Source=ABD;Initial Catalog=HospitalMgt;User Id=sa;Password=123"; public static sqlConnection con; // public static sqlCommand com; public static sqlConnection OpenConnection() { con= new sqlConnection(constr); con.Open(); return con; } } }
我的问题 :
创建DBConnection是一个很好的做法吗? (或者应该是一个接口)
// Define a generic repository interface public interface IRepository<Key,E> where E:IEntity<Key>>{ void Add(E entity); void AddRange(IEnumerable<E> entities); IEntity<Key> Get(Key key); IEnumerable<E> GetRange(IEnumerable<Key> keys); IEnumerable<E> GetAll(); // ...,Update,Delete methods } // Create an abstract class that will encapsulate the generic code public abstract class Repository<K,E> where E:IEntity<K>>:IRepository<K,E>{ protected Repository(/*parameter you may need to implement the generic methods,like a ConnectionFactory,table name,entity type for casts,etc */){} public override void Insert(IEntity<Key> entity){ // do the insert,treat exceptions accordingly and encapsulate them in your own and more concise Exceptions,etc } // ... } // Create the entities classes,one for each table,that will represent a row of that table public class Car: IEntity<String>{/* Properties */} // Create a specific repository for each table // If the table have a composed key,just create a class representing it public CarRepository: Repository<String,Car>{ public CarRepository(){/* pass the base parameters */} // offer here your specific operations to this table entity public IEnumerable<Car> GetByOwner(PersonKey ownerKey){ // do stuff } }
public class Person:IEntity<PersonKey>{ public PersonKey Key{get;} public IEnumerable<Car> OwnedCars{ get{ CarRepository rep = DBSingletons.Cars; return rep.GetByOwner(this.Key); } set{ // do stuff } } }
// simple example ITransaction t = TransactionFactory.GetNewTransaction(); t.begin(); try{ // create person entity personRepository.Add(person,t); // create cars assigned to person carRepository.AddRange(cars,t); t.commit(); }catch(Exception){ t.rollback(); }