我正在使用T4实现一些相当直接的代码生成,但是当涉及到属性生成的细节时,我仍然遇到了一个基本问题.当我访问我想要生成的CodeProperty对象的Type属性时,它们返回’System .__ ComObject’而不是属性的实际类型.
public class <#= cls.Name #>_DTO { <# foreach (CodeElement child in cls.Children) { if (child.Kind == vsCMElement.vsCMElementProperty) { var prop = child as CodeProperty; #> public <#= prop.Type.ToString() + " " + child.Name #> { get; set; } <# } } } #>@H_301_2@输出的样本是:
public class TestResult_DTO { public System.__ComObject TestType { get; set; } }@H_301_2@正如您所看到的,我接近有效输出,它只是我正在努力访问的属性的类型.
@H_301_2@AsString return a string representation for the CodeTypeRef in the language being modeled. For example,if the vsCMTypeRef type is vsCMTypeRefInt,then the string would be “Int” for Visual C# and “Long” for Visual Basic.@H_301_2@我自己从来没有写过这种代码,所以我只是按文档编写,但值得一试:)