Type ‘Priority’ with data contract name
‘Priority:http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/’ is not expected.
Consider using a DataContractResolver or add any types not known
statically to the list of known types – for example,by using the
KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding them to the list of known
types passed to DataContractSerializer.
public object GetSerializableEnumProxy( Type enumType ) { if ( enumType == null ) { throw new ArgumentNullException( "enumType" ); } if ( !enumType.IsEnum ) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName("DataBuilderAssembly"); AssemblyBuilder assemBuilder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(assemblyName,AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run); ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder = assemBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("DataBuilderModule"); TypeBuilder typeBuilder = moduleBuilder.DefineType( enumType.Name,TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.Public ); // Add the [DataContract] attribute to our generated type typeBuilder.SetCustomAttribute( new CustomAttributeBuilder( typeof(DataContractAttribute).GetConstructor( Type.EmptyTypes ),new object[] {} ) ); CustomAttributeBuilder dataMemberAttributeBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder( typeof(DataMemberAttribute).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes),new object[] {} ); // For each name in the enum,define a corresponding public int field // with the [DataMember] attribute foreach ( var value in Enum.GetValues(enumType).Cast<int>() ) { var name = Enum.GetName( enumType,value ); var fb = typeBuilder.DefineField( name,typeof(int),FieldAttributes.Public ); // Add the [DataMember] attribute to the field fb.SetCustomAttribute( dataMemberAttributeBuilder ); // Set the value of our field to be the corresponding value from the Enum fb.SetConstant( value ); } // Return an instance of our generated type return Activator.CreateInstance( typeBuilder.CreateType() ); }
Web Api控制器方法:
private static IEnumerable<Type> RetrievableEnums = new Type[] { typeof(Priority),typeof(Status) }; [GET("enum/{enumName}")] public HttpResponseMessage GetEnumInformation( string enumName ) { Type enumType = RetrievableEnums.SingleOrDefault( type => String.Equals( type.Name,enumName,StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if ( enumType == null ) { return Request.CreateErrorResponse( HttpStatusCode.NotFound,"The requested enum could not be retrieved" ); } return Request.CreateResponse( HttpStatusCode.OK,GetSerializableEnumProxy(enumType) ); }
从表面上看,似乎SetSerializer(类型,序列化器)方法应该可以工作,但是,我敢打赌你用动态类型作为第一个参数来调用它 – 如果你发送枚举,它将不起作用作为对象 – 因为它是XmlRequestFormatter将使用的对象序列化程序.
这是一个众所周知的问题 – 一个which I’ve reported as an issue on codeplex(这里有一个很好的例子,可以在更简单的场景中演示这个问题).
该问题还包括一些属性的C#代码和XmlMediaTypeFormatter(称为XmlMediaTypeFormatterEx)的替代,它为此问题提供了一种解决方案 – 它使用声明式按操作方法.将XmlMediaTypeFormatter替换为代码中的一个 – 使用类似的东西(注意此代码处理已经定义的XML格式化程序的情况 – 可能有点无意义):
var configuration = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration; var origXmlFormatter = configuration.Formatters.OfType<XmlMediaTypeFormatter>() .SingleOrDefault(); XmlMediaTypeFormatterEx exXmlFormatter = new XmlMediaTypeFormatterEx(origXmlFormatter); if (origXmlFormatter != null) { configuration.Formatters.Insert( configuration.Formatters.IndexOf(origXmlFormatter),exXmlFormatter); configuration.Formatters.Remove(origXmlFormatter); } else configuration.Formatters.Add(exXmlFormatter);
[XmlUseReturnedUnstanceType] public object Get() { }
这不会处理基数的可枚举或字典 – 它变得非常复杂 – 但对于基本的单实例返回值,它可以正常工作.
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