Key1,Key2,Key3,Value null,null,1 1,2 9,21 1,3,3 null,2,4 1,5
Key1 - Priority 10 Key2 - Priority 7 Key3 - Priority 5
所以这对键1 =无效,密钥2 =匹配和Key3 =匹配一个配置条目的查询specifc击败了一个具有键1 =匹配,密钥2 = NULL和Key3 =无效,因为密钥2密钥3优先> Key1优先级……那有意义吗?!
given a key of {1,3} the value should be 5. given a key of {3,3} the value should be 4. given a key of {8,10,11} the value should be 1. given a key of {1,11} the value should be 2. given a key of {9,3} the value should be 4. given a key of {9,3} the value should be 21.
>将池中每个规则的最大值定义为其当前分数,以及剩余密钥的分数.例如,那么规则{null,1,1}的得分为12(0 7 5),2}得分10(10 0 0).
>如果池中还有多个规则,并且没有其他键,那么??? (从问题描述中不清楚.我假设最高的一个)
>对于当前池中第(i 1)个键的每个唯一值,并且为null,使用当前池从当前节点构造新树.
null,null = 1 1,null = 2 9,null = 21 1,3 = 3 null,3 = 4 1,3 = 5
key1 key2 key3 root: |----- 1 | |----- 2 = 5 | |-----null | |----- 3 = 3 | |-----null = 2 |----- 9 | |----- 2 | | |----- 3 = 4 | | |-----null = 21 | |-----null = 21 |-----null |----- 2 = 4 |-----null = 1
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Config config = new Config(10,7,5) { { new int?[]{null,null},1},{ new int?[]{1,2},{ new int?[]{9,21},3},3 },{ new int?[]{null,4 },5 } }; Console.WriteLine("5 == {0}",config[1,3]); Console.WriteLine("4 == {0}",config[3,3]); Console.WriteLine("1 == {0}",config[8,11]); Console.WriteLine("2 == {0}",11]); Console.WriteLine("4 == {0}",config[9,3]); Console.WriteLine("21 == {0}",3]); Console.ReadKey(); } } public class Config : IEnumerable { private readonly int[] priorities; private readonly List<KeyValuePair<int?[],int>> rules = new List<KeyValuePair<int?[],int>>(); private DefaultMapNode rootNode = null; public Config(params int[] priorities) { // In production code,copy the array to prevent tampering this.priorities = priorities; } public int this[params int[] keys] { get { if (keys.Length != priorities.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid entry - wrong number of keys"); } if (rootNode == null) { rootNode = BuildTree(); //rootNode.PrintTree(0); } DefaultMapNode curNode = rootNode; for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { // if we're at a leaf,then we're done if (curNode.value != null) return (int)curNode.value; if (curNode.children.ContainsKey(keys[i])) curNode = curNode.children[keys[i]]; else curNode = curNode.defaultChild; } return (int)curNode.value; } } private DefaultMapNode BuildTree() { return new DefaultMapNode(new int?[]{},rules,priorities); } public void Add(int?[] keys,int value) { if (keys.Length != priorities.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid entry - wrong number of keys"); } // Again,copy the array in production code rules.Add(new KeyValuePair<int?[],int>(keys,value)); // reset the tree to know to regenerate it. rootNode = null; } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw new NotSupportedException(); } } public class DefaultMapNode { public Dictionary<int,DefaultMapNode> children = new Dictionary<int,DefaultMapNode>(); public DefaultMapNode defaultChild = null; // done this way to workaround dict not handling null public int? value = null; public DefaultMapNode(IList<int?> usedValues,IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int?[],int>> pool,int[] priorities) { int bestscore = Int32.MinValue; // get best current score foreach (KeyValuePair<int?[],int> rule in pool) { int currentscore = GetCurrentscore(usedValues,priorities,rule); bestscore = Math.Max(bestscore,currentscore); } // get pruned pool List<KeyValuePair<int?[],int>> prunedPool = new List<KeyValuePair<int?[],int>>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<int?[],int> rule in pool) { int maxscore = GetCurrentscore(usedValues,rule); if (maxscore == Int32.MinValue) continue; for (int i = usedValues.Count; i < rule.Key.Length; i++) if (rule.Key[i] != null) maxscore += priorities[i]; if (maxscore >= bestscore) prunedPool.Add(rule); } // base optimization case,return leaf node // base case,always return same answer if ((prunedPool.Count == 1) || (usedValues.Count == prunedPool[0].Key.Length)) { value = prunedPool[0].Value; return; } // add null base case AddChild(usedValues,prunedPool,null); foreach (KeyValuePair<int?[],int> rule in pool) { int? branch = rule.Key[usedValues.Count]; if (branch != null && !children.ContainsKey((int)branch)) { AddChild(usedValues,branch); } } // if all children are the same,then make a leaf int? maybeOnlyValue = null; foreach (int v in GetAllValues()) { if (maybeOnlyValue != null && v != maybeOnlyValue) return; maybeOnlyValue = v; } if (maybeOnlyValue != null) value = maybeOnlyValue; } private static int GetCurrentscore(IList<int?> usedValues,int[] priorities,KeyValuePair<int?[],int> rule) { int currentscore = 0; for (int i = 0; i < usedValues.Count; i++) { if (rule.Key[i] != null) { if (rule.Key[i] == usedValues[i]) currentscore += priorities[i]; else return Int32.MinValue; } } return currentscore; } private void AddChild(IList<int?> usedValues,List<KeyValuePair<int?[],int>> prunedPool,Nullable<int> nextValue) { List<int?> chainedValues = new List<int?>(); chainedValues.AddRange(usedValues); chainedValues.Add(nextValue); DefaultMapNode node = new DefaultMapNode(chainedValues,priorities); if (nextValue == null) defaultChild = node; else children[(int)nextValue] = node; } public IEnumerable<int> GetAllValues() { foreach (DefaultMapNode child in children.Values) foreach (int v in child.GetAllValues()) yield return v; if (defaultChild != null) foreach (int v in defaultChild.GetAllValues()) yield return v; if (value != null) yield return (int)value; } public void PrintTree(int depth) { if (value == null) Console.WriteLine(); else { Console.WriteLine(" = {0}",(int)value); return; } foreach (KeyValuePair<int,DefaultMapNode> child in children) { for (int i=0; i<depth; i++) Console.Write(" "); Console.Write(" {0} ",child.Key); child.Value.PrintTree(depth + 1); } for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) Console.Write(" "); Console.Write("null"); defaultChild.PrintTree(depth + 1); } }