我想将多维字节数组保存到sql Server数据库.
我知道如何保存一个字节数组,这是一个图像转换到数据库.为此,我使用的数据类型是图像.但现在我想存储另一个字节数组,它是多维字节数组byte [,] temp,它有两个维度,带有x,y值.
你怎么能这样做?在sql Server中使用Varbinary(max)字段并将序列化的多维字节数组保存到其中.为了恢复你的阵列,你需要反序列化你在数据库中存储的内容.
public void TestSO() { using (sqlConnection conexion = new sqlConnection()) { using (sqlCommand command = new sqlCommand()) { //This is the original multidimensional byte array byte[,] byteArray = new byte[2,2] {{1,0},{0,1}}; ConnectionStringSettings conString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"]; conexion.ConnectionString = conString.ConnectionString; conexion.Open(); command.Connection = conexion; command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; command.CommandText = "UPDATE Table SET VarBinaryField = @Content WHERE Id = 73 "; command.Parameters.Add(new sqlParameter("@Content",sqlDbType.VarBinary,-1)); //Serialize the multidimensional byte array to a byte[] BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); bf.Serialize(ms,byteArray); //Set the serialized original array as the parameter value for the query command.Parameters["@Content"].Value = ms.ToArray(); if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0) { //This method returns the VarBinaryField from the database (what we just saved) byte[] content = GetAttachmentContentsById(73); //Deserialize Content to a multidimensional array MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream(content); byte[,] fetchedByteArray = (byte[,])bf.Deserialize(ms2); //At this point,fetchedByteArray is exactly the same as the original byte array } } } }