c# – ConfigureAwait(false)vs将sync context设置为null

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了c# – ConfigureAwait(false)vs将sync context设置为null前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。





public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new LoggingSynchronizationContext(1));

            Console.WriteLine("Executing library code that internally clears synchronization context");
            //First try with clearing the context INSIDE the lib
            //Here we again have the context intact
            Console.WriteLine($"After First Call Context in Main Method is {SynchronizationContext.Current?.ToString()}");

            Console.WriteLine("\nExecuting library code that does NOT internally clear the synchronization context");
            //Here we again have the context intact
            Console.WriteLine($"After Second Call Context in Main Method is {SynchronizationContext.Current?.ToString()}");


        public async static Task RunTest(bool clearContext)
            Console.WriteLine($"Before Lib call our context is {SynchronizationContext.Current?.ToString()}");
            await DoSomeLibraryCode(clearContext);
            //The rest of this method will get posted to my LoggingSynchronizationContext

            if(SynchronizationContext.Current == null){
                //Note this will always be null regardless of whether we cleared it or not
                Console.WriteLine("We don't have a current context set after return from async/await");

        public static async Task DoSomeLibraryCode(bool shouldClearContext)
            await DelayABit();
            //The rest of this method will be invoked on the default (null) synchronization context if we elected to clear the context
            //Or it should post to the original context otherwise
            Console.WriteLine("Finishing library call");

        public static Task DelayABit()
            return Task.Delay(1000);


    public class LoggingSynchronizationContext : SynchronizationContext

        readonly int contextId;
        public LoggingSynchronizationContext(int contextId)
            this.contextId = contextId;
        public override void Post(SendOrPostCallback d,object state)
            Console.WriteLine($"POST TO Synchronization Context (ID:{contextId})");

        public override void Send(SendOrPostCallback d,object state)
            Console.WriteLine($"Post Synchronization Context (ID:{contextId})");

        public override string ToString()
            return $"Context (ID:{contextId})";


Executing library code that internally clears synchronization context
Before Lib call our context is Context (ID:1) 
Finishing library call 
POST TO Synchronization Context (ID:1)
We don't have a current context set after return from async/await
After First Call Context in Main Method is Context (ID:1)

Executing library code that does NOT internally clear the synchronization context 
Before Lib call our context is Context (ID:1) POST TO Synchronization Context (ID:1) 
Finishing library call
POST TO Synchronization Context (ID:1) 
We don't have a current context set after return from async/await
After Second Call Context in Main Method is Context (ID:1)




async void button1_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
        var getStringTask = GetStringFromMyLibAsync();
        this.textBox1.Text = await getStringTask;

    async Task<string> GetStringFromMyLibInternal()
        await Task.Delay(1000);
        return "HELLO WORLD";

    async Task<string> GetStringFromMyLibAsync()
        //This forces a capture of the current execution context (before synchronization context is nulled
        //This means the caller's context should be intact upon return
        //even if not immediately awaited.
        return await GetStringFromMyLibInternal();          


基于对Stephen Cleary的回答的讨论.这种方法存在一些问题.但是我们可以通过将库调用包装在仍然返回任务的非异步方法中来执行类似的方法,但是最后会负责重置syncrhonization上下文. (注意,这使用了Stephen的AsyncEx库中的SynchronizationContextSwitcher.

async void button1_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
        var getStringTask = GetStringFromMyLibAsync();
        this.textBox1.Text = await getStringTask;

    async Task<string> GetStringFromMyLibInternal()
        await Task.Delay(1000);
        return "HELLO WORLD";

    Task<string> GetStringFromMyLibAsync()
        using (SynchronizationContextSwitcher.NoContext())
            return GetStringFromMyLibInternal();          
        //Context will be restored by the time this method returns its task.

I often see recommended for async library code,that we should use ConfigureAwait(false) on all async calls to avoid situations where the return of our call will be scheduled on a UI thread or a web request synchronization context causing issues with deadlocks among other things.


It seems to me that a viable alternative is to simply set the current synchronization context to null at the top-level public-facing entry points of the library,and just forget about ConfigureAwait(false).

是的,这是一个选择.但是,它不会完全避免死锁,因为await will attempt to resume on TaskScheduler.Current if there’s no current SynchronizationContext.




However,I don’t see many instances of people taking or recommending this approach.


using (SynchronizationContextSwitcher.NoContext())


Are there any potential problems with this approach (other than the possible insignificant performance hit of having the await post to the default synchronization context)?


