c# – 在NTVDM下运行的16位应用程序

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了c# – 在NTVDM下运行的16位应用程序前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


WqlEventQuery query =
            new WqlEventQuery("__InstanceCreationEvent",new TimeSpan(0,1),"TargetInstance isa \"Win32_Process\"");

        ManagementEventWatcher watcher = new ManagementEventWatcher(query);

        watcher.EventArrived += new EventArrivedEventHandler(watcher_EventArrived);



    static void watcher_EventArrived(object sender,EventArrivedEventArgs e)
        ManagementBaSEObject instance = (ManagementBaSEObject)e.NewEvent["TargetInstance"];

        ProcessInfo PI = new ProcessInfo();
        PI.ProcessID = int.Parse(instance["ProcessID"].ToString());
        PI.ProcessName = instance["Name"].ToString();
        PI.ProcessPath = instance["ExecutablePath"].ToString();

        // Here's the part I need...
        PI.ActualEXE = ???;

        // ... do the magic on the PI class ...


当我捕获实例信息时,我可以获取命令行,但参数是“-f -i10”…命令行上没有EXE名称.是否有任何其他方法/属性我应该查看以确定实际运行的16位应用程序的EXE名称

更新:让我改进一下这个问题:如果我能找到NTVDM进程,我怎样才能 – 以编程方式 – 知道正在执行的EXE的实际路径?



诀窍不是使用 VDMEnumProcessWOW(它提供VDM),而是使用 VDMEnumTasksWOW.将为指定VDM中的每个16位任务调用传递给此函数的枚举器函数.

我自己没有检查过,但是根据文档,如果传入PROC16枚举值,这个library of CodeProject就是这样做的.它是C,如果你需要帮助编译代码并从C#调用它,请告诉我,我会给你一个例子.

使用这种技术的程序是Process Master,它带有完整的源代码.我建议你运行它以确定它是否提供了你需要的信息,如果是这样,你可以将这个方法应用到你自己的应用程序(它不能在Windows Vista或7上运行,它使用旧的VB5代码,显然它不是兼容.它应该在XP上运行).

如果具有这些功能的东西没有按计划运行,您可能在Vista上并且可能需要此StackOverflow question中描述的修补程序,该修补程序指向downloading a hotfix,而described here依次为described here

“An application that uses the
VDMEnumProcessWOW function to
enumerate virtual DOS machines returns
no output or incorrect output on a
computer that is running a 32-bit
version of Windows Vista”




我无法在Vista 32位上运行它.但也许其他人可以尝试编译它,或者在代码中找到错误.很高兴知道它是否适用于其他系统:

public class YourEnumerateClass
    public static void Enum16BitProcesses()
        // create a delegate for the callback function
        ProcessTasksExDelegate procTasksDlgt = 
             new ProcessTasksExDelegate(YourEnumerateClass.ProcessTasksEx);

        // this part is the easy way of getting NTVDM procs
        foreach (var ntvdm in Process.GetProcessesByName("ntvdm"))
            Console.WriteLine("ntvdm id = {0}",ntvdm.Id);
            int apiRet = VDMEnumTaskWOWEx(ntvdm.Id,procTasksDlgt,IntPtr.Zero);
            Console.WriteLine("EnumTaskWOW returns {0}",apiRet);


    // declaration of API function callback
    public delegate bool ProcessTasksExDelegate(
        int ThreadId,IntPtr hMod16,IntPtr hTask16,IntPtr ptrModName,IntPtr ptrFileName,IntPtr UserDefined

    // the actual function that fails on Vista so far
    [DllImport("VdmDbg.dll",SetLastError = false,CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    public static extern int VDMEnumTaskWOWEx(
        int processId,ProcessTasksExDelegate TaskEnumProc,IntPtr lparam);

    // the actual callback function,on Vista never gets called
    public static bool ProcessTasksEx(
        int ThreadId,IntPtr UserDefined
        // using PtrToStringAnsi,based on Matt's comment,if it fails,try PtrToStringAuto
        string filename = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(ptrFileName);
        Console.WriteLine("Filename of WOW16 process: {0}",filename);
        return false;       // false continues enumeration


更新:Intriguing read由着名的Matt Pietrek.记住句子,在接近结尾的地方:

“For starters,MS-DOS-based programs
seem to always run in separate NTVDM
sessions. I was never able to get an
MS-DOS-based program to run in the
same session as a 16-bit Windows-based
program. Nor was I able to get two
independently started MS-DOS-based
programs to run in the same NTVDM
session. In fact,NTVDM sessions
running MS-DOS programs don’t show up
in VDMEnumProcessWOW enumerations.”


