int w = Console.WindowWidth; int h = Console.WindowHeight; int i = 0; while (i < w) { int j = 0; while (j < h) { Thread.Sleep(1); Console.SetCursorPosition(i,j); Console.Write("."); j++; } i++; }
我要做的是构造一个List< string>线;包含要写入控制台窗口的行,其中每行与控制台宽度一样宽.然后只需按相反顺序将列表打印到控制台窗口,因此第一行(在行[0])将始终是最后一行打印,并始终位于控制台窗口的底部.
示例实施 – 有人提到这可能是家庭作业.我不这么认为,但如果是的话,请先尝试自己实现上述想法.
我们可以在用于打印其项目的同一循环中将新项添加到列表中.然而,在我们添加一行之前,我们首先检查列表中是否有与控制台窗口(Console.WindowHeight)中一样多的行.如果有,那么我们只需删除第[0]行,然后再添加新行.这样,List< string> lines与控制台窗口一起“滚动”.
class Program { enum MatrixCodeSpeed { Fastest = 0,Faster = 33,Fast = 67,Normal = 100,Slow = 333,Slower = 667,Slowest = 1000 }
private static Random rnd = new Random(); // Add whatever 'matrix' characters you want to this array. If you prefer to have one // character chosen more often than the others,you can write code to favor a specific // index,or just add more instances of that character to the array below: private static char[] matrixChars = new[] { '░','▒','▓','█' }; static string GetMatrixLine(int density) { var line = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < Console.WindowWidth; i++) { // Choose a random number from 0-99 and see if it's greater than density line.Append(rnd.Next(100) > density ? ' ' // If it is,add a space to reduce line density : matrixChars[rnd.Next(matrixChars.Length)]); // Pick a random character } return line.ToString(); }
接下来,我们有一个main方法,用随机线填充一个列表(使用10%的密度),然后以相反的顺序一次打印出一个无限循环(如果需要,删除第一行) ):
static void Main() { var lines = new List<string>(); var density = 10; // (10% of each line will be a matrix character) var speed = MatrixCodeSpeed.Normal; // Hide the cursor - set this to 'true' again before accepting user input Console.CursorVisible = false; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; while (true) { // Once the lines count is greater than the window height,// remove the first item,so that the list "scrolls" also if (lines.Count >= Console.WindowHeight) { lines.Remove(lines[0]); } // Add a new random line to the list,which will be the new topmost line. lines.Add(GetMatrixLine(density)); Console.SetCursorPosition(0,0); // Print the lines out to the console in reverse order so the // first line is always last,or on the bottom of the window for (int i = lines.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Console.Write(lines[i]); } Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((int)speed)); } } }