static void Main(string[] args) { ... IncluiValores(...); ... } static async void IncluiValores(...) { Task<List<int>> res1 = att.GetAIDBAPI(att); Task<List<int>> res2 = att.GetAIDBAPI(att2); List<int>[] res = await Task.WhenAll(res1,res2); ... }
更新 – 功能定义:
public async Task<List<int>> GetAIDBAPI(Attributes attributes) { List<int> results = null; Connections client0 = new Connections(); HttpClient client = client0.OpenAPIConnection(attributes.User[0],attributes.Pwd,attributes.Server,attributes.Chave,attributes.Server2); HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("api/Attributes/ID/Bulk",attributes); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(content).ToObject<List<int>>(); } else { var content = "[{-1}]"; var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(content); results = result.ToObject<List<int>>(); } return results; }
更新2 – 单独的上下文
static void Main(string[] args) { AsyncContext.Run(() => MainAsync(args)); } static async void MainAsync(string[] args) { await IncluiValores(...); } static async Task IncluiValores(...) { Task<List<int>> res1 = att.GetAIDBAPI(att); Task<List<int>> res2 = att.GetAIDBAPI(att2); List<int>[] res = await Task.WhenAll(res1,res2); // <- Error here //Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute ... } //Tried to change to code below but it does not wait. static async Task IncluiValores(...) { Task<List<int>> res1 = att.GetAIDBAPI(att); Task<List<int>> res2 = att.GetAIDBAPI(att2); await Task.WhenAll(res1,res2); // <- No error,just doesn't wait. list.Add(res1.Result[0]); }
记住,等待是回归.只有await的一致使用才能为您提供同步.停止使用async void – 将其更改为async Task并确保正确等待结果.您的MainAsync方法也是如此.任务是异步方法的缺失.
只有一种情况,你应该看到async void,这是在遗留框架的事件处理程序的同步上下文中(例如在Winforms中).如果async方法可以返回一个Task,那么它确实应该.不要打破链条.