//This matches an opening delimiter Regex openers = new Regex("[\\[\\{\\(]"); //This matches a closing delimiter Regex closers = new Regex("[\\]\\}\\)]"); //This matches the name of a variable (\w+) or a constant numeric value (\d+(\.\d+)?) Regex VariableOrConstant = new Regex("((\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)|\\w+)" + FunctionTerm.opRegex + "?"); //This matches the binary operators +,*,-,or / Regex ops = new Regex("[\\*\\+\\-/]"); //This compound Regex finds a single variable or constant term (including a proceeding operator,//if any) OR a group containing multiple terms (and their proceeding operators,if any) //and a proceeding operator,if any. //Matches that match this second pattern need to be added to the function as sub-functions,//not as individual terms,to ensure the correct evalutation order with parentheses. Regex splitter = new Regex( openers + "(" + VariableOrConstant + ")+" + closers + ops + "?" + "|" + "(" + VariableOrConstant + ")" + ops + "?");
当“分离器”与字符串“4 /(2 * X * [2 1])”匹配时,匹配的值为“4 /”,“2 *”,“X *”,“2”和“ 1“,完全忽略所有分隔括号和括号.我相信这是因为“分离器”正则表达式的后半部分(“|”之后的部分)正在匹配并覆盖模式的其他部分.这很糟糕 – 我希望分组表达式优先于单个术语.有谁知道我怎么做到这一点?我考虑使用正面/负面的前瞻和外观,但我真的不确定如何使用这些,或者它们甚至是什么,就此而言,我找不到任何相关的例子……在此先感谢.
private static void ParseIt(string subject) { Console.WriteLine("subject : {0}\n",subject); Regex openers = new Regex(@"[[{(]"); Regex closers = new Regex(@"[]})]"); Regex ops = new Regex(@"[*+/-]"); Regex VariableOrConstant = new Regex(@"((\d+(\.\d+)?)|\w+)" + ops + "?"); Regex splitter = new Regex( openers + @"(?<FIRST>" + VariableOrConstant + @")+" + closers + ops + @"?" + @"|" + @"(?<SECOND>" + VariableOrConstant + @")" + ops + @"?",RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture ); foreach (Match m in splitter.Matches(subject)) { foreach (string s in splitter.GetGroupNames()) { Console.WriteLine("group {0,-8}: {1}",s,m.Groups[s]); } Console.WriteLine(); } }
subject : 4/(2*X*[2+1]) group 0 : 4/ group FIRST : group SECOND : 4/ group 0 : 2* group FIRST : group SECOND : 2* group 0 : X* group FIRST : group SECOND : X* group 0 : [2+1] group FIRST : 1 group SECOND :
如您所见,正如您所预期的那样,术语[2 1]与正则表达式的第一部分相匹配.它无法做任何事情(但是,因为之后的下一个包围角色是另一个“开启者”([),并且它正在寻找“更接近”.
您可以使用.NET的“平衡匹配”功能来允许其他组中包含的分组术语,但这不值得.正则表达式不是为解析而设计的 – 实际上,解析和正则表达式匹配是根本不同的操作类型.这是差异的一个很好的例子:正则表达式主动寻找匹配,跳过它不能使用的任何东西(比如你的例子中的开括号),但解析器必须检查每个字符(即使它只是为了决定忽略它).
最后,从一堆较小的正则表达式构建大型正则表达式的整个方案对IMO的用处非常有限.跟踪部件之间的相互作用非常困难,例如哪个部件在哪个部件内. C#的逐字字符串的另一个优点是它们是多行的,因此您可以利用自由间隔模式(a.k.a./x或COMMENTS模式):
Regex r = new Regex(@" (?<GROUPED> [[{(] # opening bracket ( # group containing: ((\d+(\.\d+)?)|\w+) # number or variable [*+/-]? # and proceeding operator )+ # ...one or more times []})] # closing bracket [*+/-]? # and proceeding operator ) | (?<UNGROUPED> ((\d+(\.\d+)?)|\w+) # number or variable [*+/-]? # and proceeding operator ) ",RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace );