c# – 并发环境中的乱序加载

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了c# – 并发环境中的乱序加载前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
下面是Joe Duffy的书( Windows上的Concurrent Programming)的片段,后面跟着该段所涉及的代码片段.该段代码意味着在并发环境(由许多线程使用)中工作,其中该LazyInit< T> class用于创建仅在代码中真正需要使用值(类型为T)时才初始化的am对象.





Because all of the processors mentioned above,in addition to the .NET memory model,allow load-to-load reordering in some circumstances,the load of m_value could move after the load of the object’s fields. The effect would be similar and marking m_value as volatile prevents it. Marking the object’s fields as volatile is not necessary because the read of the value is an acquire fence and prevents the subsequent loads from moving before,no matter whether they are volatile or not. This might seem ridiculous to some: how could a field be read before a reference to the object itself? This appears to violate data dependence,but it doesn’t: some newer processors (like IA64) employ value speculation and will execute loads ahead of time. If the processor happens to guess the correct value of the reference and field as it was before the reference was written,the speculative read could retire and create a problem. This kind of reordering is quite rare and may never happen in practice,but nevertheless it is a problem.


public class LazyInitOnlyOnceRef<T> where T : class
    private volatile T m_value;
    private object m_sync = new object();
    private Func<T> m_factory;

    public LazyInitOnlyOnceRef(Func<T> factory) { m_factory = factory; }

    public T Value
            if (m_value == null)
                lock (m_sync)
                    if (m_value == null)
                        m_value = m_factory();
            return m_value;


Some newer processors (like IA64) employ value speculation and will execute loads ahead of time. If the processor happens to guess the correct value of the reference and field as it was before the reference was written,the speculative read could retire and create a problem.


var obj = this.m_value;

static object lastValueSeen = null; //processor-cache


int someFieldValuePrefetched = lastValueSeen.SomeField; //prefetch speculatively
if (this.m_value == lastValueSeen) {
 //speculation succeeded (accelerated case). The speculated read is used
else {
 //speculation Failed (slow case). The speculated read is discarded.
 var obj = this.m_value;
 lastValueSeen = obj; //remember last value




if (this.m_value == lastValueSeen) is really the statement by which
prdeiction (based on the value see last time per m_value) is put to
the test. I understand that in sequential programming (non
concurrent),the test must always fail for whatever value was last
seen,but in concurrent programming that test (the prediction) could
succeed and the processor’s flow of execution will ensue in an attempt
to print invalid value (i..e,null someFieldValuePrefetched)

My question is how could it be that this false prediction could
succeed only in concurrent programming but not in sequential,
non-concurrent programming. And in connection to that question,in
concurrent programming when this false prediction is accepted by the
processor,what are the possible value of m_value (i.e.,must it be
null,non null) ?


