的lua global table中:
- MyPackage = MyPackage or {}
- --[[--
- Refresh UIListView at the current postion.
- NOTE: only needed in async mode
- ]]
- function MyPackage.refreshUIListView(listView)
- if not listView.bAsyncLoad then
- listView:reload()
- return
- end
- if #listView.items_ <= 0 then
- listView:reload()
- return
- end
- local originPos = MyPackage.getOriginPosOfUIListView(listView)
- -- index of the prevIoUs beginning item
- local beginIdx = listView.items_[1].idx_
- listView:removeAllItems()
- listView.container:setPosition(0,0)
- listView.container:setContentSize(cc.size(0,0))
- MyPackage.drawUIListViewFromIdx(listView,beginIdx,originPos.x,originPos.y)
- end
- --[[--
- NOTE: only needed in async mode
- ]]
- function MyPackage.getOriginPosOfUIListView(listView)
- if not listView.bAsyncLoad then
- return
- end
- local getContainerCascadeBoundingBox = function (listView)
- local boundingBox
- for i,item in ipairs(listView.items_) do
- local w,h = item:getItemSize()
- local x,y = item:getPosition()
- local anchor = item:getAnchorPoint()
- x = x - anchor.x * w
- y = y - anchor.y * h
- if boundingBox then
- boundingBox = cc.rectUnion(boundingBox,cc.rect(x,y,w,h))
- else
- boundingBox = cc.rect(x,h)
- end
- end
- local point = listView.container:convertToWorldSpace(cc.p(boundingBox.x,boundingBox.y))
- boundingBox.x = point.x
- boundingBox.y = point.y
- return boundingBox
- end
- local cascadeBound = getContainerCascadeBoundingBox(listView)
- -- local cascadeBound = listView.scrollNode:getCascadeBoundingBox()
- local localPos = listView:convertToNodeSpace(cc.p(cascadeBound.x,cascadeBound.y))
- local originPosX = 0
- local originPosY = 0
- if cc.ui.UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == listView.direction then
- -- ahead part of view
- originPosY = localPos.y + cascadeBound.height - listView.viewRect_.y - listView.viewRect_.height
- else
- -- left part of view
- originPosX = - listView.viewRect_.x + localPos.x
- end
- return cc.p(originPosX,originPosY)
- end
- --[[--
- Draw UIListView from the `beginIdx`th item at position (`originPosX`,`originPosY`).
- NOTE: only needed in async mode
- ]]
- function MyPackage.drawUIListViewFromIdx(listView,originPosX,originPosY)
- if not listView.bAsyncLoad then
- listView:reload()
- return
- end
- listView:removeAllItems()
- listView.container:setPosition(0,0))
- local beginIdx = beginIdx or 1
- local originPosX = originPosX or 0
- local originPosY = originPosY or 0
- local count = listView.delegate_[cc.ui.UIListView.DELEGATE](listView,cc.ui.UIListView.COUNT_TAG)
- listView.items_ = {}
- local itemW,itemH = 0,0
- local item
- local containerW,containerH = 0,0
- for i = beginIdx,count do
- item,itemW,itemH = listView:loadOneItem_(cc.p(originPosX,originPosY),i)
- if cc.ui.UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == listView.direction then
- originPosY = originPosY - itemH
- containerH = containerH + itemH
- else
- originPosX = originPosX + itemW
- containerW = containerW + itemW
- end
- if containerW > listView.viewRect_.width + listView.redundancyViewVal
- or containerH > listView.viewRect_.height + listView.redundancyViewVal then
- break
- end
- end
- if cc.ui.UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == listView.direction then
- listView.container:setPosition(listView.viewRect_.x,listView.viewRect_.y + listView.viewRect_.height)
- else
- listView.container:setPosition(listView.viewRect_.x,listView.viewRect_.y)
- end
- listView:increaSEOrReduceItem_()
- end
- function MyPackage.elasticMoveUIScrollView(scrollView,scrollToBottom,scrollToRight)
- local cascadeBound = scrollView:getScrollNodeRect()
- local disX,disY = 0,0
- local viewRect = scrollView:getViewRectInWorldSpace()
- if cascadeBound.width < viewRect.width then
- if scrollToRight then
- disX = viewRect.x + viewRect.width - cascadeBound.x - cascadeBound.width
- else
- disX = viewRect.x - cascadeBound.x
- end
- else
- if cascadeBound.x > viewRect.x then
- disX = viewRect.x - cascadeBound.x
- elseif cascadeBound.x + cascadeBound.width < viewRect.x + viewRect.width then
- disX = viewRect.x + viewRect.width - cascadeBound.x - cascadeBound.width
- end
- end
- if cascadeBound.height < viewRect.height then
- if scrollToBottom then
- disY = viewRect.y - cascadeBound.y
- else
- disY = viewRect.y + viewRect.height - cascadeBound.y - cascadeBound.height
- end
- else
- if cascadeBound.y > viewRect.y then
- disY = viewRect.y - cascadeBound.y
- elseif cascadeBound.y + cascadeBound.height < viewRect.y + viewRect.height then
- disY = viewRect.y + viewRect.height - cascadeBound.y - cascadeBound.height
- end
- end
- if 0 == disX and 0 == disY then
- return
- end
- local posX,posY = scrollView.scrollNode:getPosition()
- scrollView.position_ = cc.p(posX + disX,posY + disY)
- scrollView.scrollNode:setPosition(scrollView.position_)
- end
- function MyPackage.bool2number(bool)
- return bool and 1 or 0
- end
- function MyPackage.removeValueFromArray(array,value)
- local idx
- for i,v in ipairs(array) do
- if v == value then
- idx = i
- break
- end
- end
- if idx then
- table.remove(array,idx)
- end
- end
- function MyPackage.hasValueInArray(array,value)
- local hasValue = false
- for i,v in ipairs(array) do
- if v == value then
- hasValue = true
- break
- end
- end
- return hasValue
- end
- long long utf8StringSize(const std::string& str)
- {
- char* charArray = new char[str.length() + 1];
- strcpy(charArray,str.c_str());
- char* s = charArray;
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * References: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4063146/getting-the-actual-length-of-a-utf-8-encoded-stdstring
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- long long len = 0;
- while (*s) len += (*s++ & 0xc0) != 0x80;
- delete [] charArray;
- return len;
- }
cocos2d-x Helper
- static std::string getSubStringOfUTF8String(const std::string& str,std::string::size_type start,std::string::size_type length);
- function MyPackage.utf8str(str,start,num)
- local function utf8CharSize(char)
- local size = 0
- local arr = {0,0xc0,0xe0,0xf0,0xf8,0xfc}
- local size = #arr
- while arr[size] do
- if char >= arr[size] then
- break
- end
- size = size - 1
- end
- return size
- end
- local startIdx = 1
- while start > 1 do
- local char = string.byte(str,startIdx)
- startIdx = startIdx + utf8CharSize(char)
- start = start - 1
- end
- local endIdx = startIdx
- while num > 0 do
- if endIdx > #str then
- endIdx = #str
- break
- end
- local char = string.byte(str,endIdx)
- endIdx = endIdx + utf8CharSize(char)
- num = num - 1
- end
- return str:sub(startIdx,endIdx - 1)
- end
不过目前lua5.3已经有UTF8库,可以不用自行造轮子了。另外,关于其他UTF8相关的lua问题可以参考Lua Unicode。
其他Helper Functions
由于每个这种类型的callback都有必要加上这样的guard code,所以本渣干脆做了如下的接口:
- function MyPackage.callbackWrapper(views,callback)
- return function(...)
- for _,view in pairs(views) do
- if tolua.isnull(view) then
- return
- end
- end
- if callback ~= nil then
- callback(...)
- end
- end
- end
- --[[--
- get the nine positions of a node (the following variables are defined in display.lua of quickx):
- display.CENTER
- display.LEFT_TOP
- display.CENTER_TOP
- display.RIGHT_TOP
- display.CENTER_LEFT
- display.CENTER_RIGHT
- display.BOTTOM_LEFT
- display.BOTTOM_RIGHT
- ]]
- function MyPackage.getPositionOfNode(node,alignType)
- if not node or tolua.isnull(node) then
- return
- end
- local size = node:getContentSize()
- if size.width == 0 and size.height == 0 then
- size = node:getCascadeBoundingBox()
- end
- local pos = cc.p(node:getPosition())
- local anchorPoint = cc.p(node:getAnchorPoint())
- if alignType == display.LEFT_TOP or
- alignType == display.LEFT_CENTER or
- alignType == display.LEFT_BOTTOM then
- pos.x = pos.x - size.width * anchorPoint.x
- elseif alignType == display.CENTER_TOP or
- alignType == display.CENTER or
- alignType == display.CENTER_BOTTOM then
- pos.x = pos.x - size.width * anchorPoint.x + size.width * 0.5
- elseif alignType == display.RIGHT_TOP or
- alignType == display.RIGHT_CENTER or
- alignType == display.RIGHT_BOTTOM then
- pos.x = pos.x - size.width * anchorPoint.x + size.width
- end
- if alignType == display.BOTTOM_LEFT or
- alignType == display.BOTTOM_CENTER or
- alignType == display.BOTTOM_RIGHT then
- pos.y = pos.y - size.height * anchorPoint.y
- elseif alignType == display.CENTER_LEFT or
- alignType == display.CENTER or
- alignType == display.CENTER_RIGHT then
- pos.y = pos.y - size.height * anchorPoint.y + size.height * 0.5
- elseif alignType == display.TOP_LEFT or
- alignType == display.TOP_CENTER or
- alignType == display.TOP_RIGHT then
- pos.y = pos.y - size.height * anchorPoint.y + size.height
- end
- return pos
- end
- function MyPackage.displaySpriteOnContainer(sprite,container,scaleToFit,alignType)
- if tolua.isnull(container) then
- return
- end
- -- default settings
- local scaleToFit = (scaleToFit ~= false)
- local alignType = alignType or display.CENTER
- if not tolua.isnull(sprite) then
- local originSize = sprite:getContentSize()
- if originSize.width == 0 or originSize.height == 0 then
- originSize = sprite:getCascadeBoundingBox()
- end
- local targetSize = container:getContentSize()
- if targetSize.width == 0 or targetSize.height == 0 then
- targetSize = container:getCascadeBoundingBox()
- end
- if scaleToFit then
- sprite:setScale(targetSize.width / originSize.width,targetSize.height / originSize.height)
- end
- -- NOTE: ignore container's anchor point
- local pos = MyPackage.getPositionOfNode(container,alignType)
- local leftBottomPos = MyPackage.getPositionOfNode(container,display.LEFT_BOTTOM)
- local posX = pos.x - leftBottomPos.x
- local posY = pos.y - leftBottomPos.y
- display.align(sprite,alignType,posX,posY)
- container:addChild(sprite)
- end
- end