local MAX_ROW_NUM = 9 --行数
local MAX_COL_NUM = 9 --列数
local director = cc.Director:getInstance()
local visibleSize = director:getVisibleSize()
local ItemWidth = visibleSize.width / MAX_COL_NUM
local ItemHeight = ItemWidth
local SEARCH_POS = {
cc.p(-1,0), --左边
cc.p(0,1), --上
cc.p(1, --右
cc.p(0,-1), --下
self.m_allItems = {}
for i=1,MAX_ROW_NUM do
self.m_allItems[i] = {}
for j=1,MAX_COL_NUM do
local smallItem = smallItem:create(i,j)
smallItem:setPosition((j - 1) * ItemWidth,(i - 1) * ItemHeight)
self.m_allItems[i][j] = smallItem
--从(1, 1)找向(7, 7)
function TestLayer:_AStar(from,to)
local queue = {from}
local searchMap = {[from.x*MAX_ROW_NUM + from.y] = {from}}
local p = table.remove(queue,1)
if(not p) then break end
--将目前格子的周围相邻的格子压栈 for _,point in ipairs(SEARCH_POS) do local x = point.x + p.x local y = point.y + p.y if x > 0 and x <= MAX_COL_NUM and y > 0 and y <= MAX_ROW_NUM then --格子有效范围内 local pp = clone(searchMap[p.x*MAX_ROW_NUM + p.y]) table.insert(pp,cc.p(x,y)) if x == to.x and y == to.y then --找到了 for _,point in pairs(pp) do -- print("x,y: ",point.x,point.y) end return elseif not self.m_allItems[x][y]:_getIsMask() then --格子未寻过 self.m_allItems[x][y]:_setIsMask(true)--标记格子寻路过 table.insert(queue,y)) searchMap[x*MAX_ROW_NUM + y] = pp end end end until false end