第十五天(Using AJAX with Sencha Touch)

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了第十五天(Using AJAX with Sencha Touch)前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


Using AJAX with Sencha Touch


Sencha Touch provides a variety of convenient ways to get data into and out of your application. All of the data-bound Components such as Lists,Nested Lists,and DataViews use Stores,which are easily configured to fetch and save data to a large variety of sources. We will look at managing data with stores later on,but first let us start with how to generate simple AJAX requests.

st提供了很多种向应用导入导出数据的方式。所有的数据绑定组件,例如Lists、Nested List及DataViews都使用了很容易配置的数据存储来从大量的数据源存取数据。我们稍后会看如何管理数据存储的数据,首先我们看下如何生成一个简单的ajax请求。

Simple Requests with Ext.Ajax


Because of browser security restrictions,AJAX requests are usually made to urls on the same domain as your application. For example,if your application is found at http://myapp.com,you can send AJAX requests to urls such as http://myapp.com/login.PHP and http://myapp.com/products/1.json,but not to other domains such as http://google.com. However,Sencha Touch provides some alternatives to get around this limitation,as shown in the final part of this guide (Cross-Domain Requests and JSON-P).

由于浏览器安全策略的限制,ajax请求通常与你的应用使用相同的域。例如,如果你的应用建立在http://myapp.com, 你可以向这些url发送请求,http://myapp.com/login.PHP 、http://myapp.com/products/1.json,但是不能向其它域如http://google.com发送请求。然而,st提供了几种绕开该限制的方法,如该向导的最后一部分所述(Cross-Domain Request 和JSON-P).

The following code shows an AJAX request to load data from an url on the same domain:


Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'myUrl', callback function(options success response) { consolelogresponseresponseText);}});

Assuming that your app is on http://myapp.com,the prevIoUs code sends a GET request to http://myapp.com/myUrl. Since AJAX calls are asynchronous,once the response comes back,the callback function is called with the response. In this example the callback function logs the contents of the response to the console when the request has finished.


AJAX Options


Ext.Ajaxtakes a wide variety of options,including setting the method (GET,POST,PUT,or DELETE),sending headers,and setting params to be sent in the url. The following code sets the method such that a POST request is sent instead of a GET:

Ext.Ajax有大量的配置项,包括设置请求方法(GET、POST、PUT 或者DELETE),请求头,url中要发送的参数。下面的代码设置了请求的方法为POST而不是GET:

 method'POST' Sending parameters done as shown in the following example:


params username'Ed' password'not a good place to put a password'},sans-serif; font-size:12.800000190734863px; line-height:19.5px"> When setting parameters like in this example,the request is automatically sent as a POST with the params object sent as form data. The prevIoUs request above is like submitting a form with username and password fields.


If we wanted to send this as a GET request instead,we would have to specify the method again,in which case our params are automatically escaped and appended to the url:


'GET''bad place for a password' The prevIoUs code sample generates the following request:



You may have noticed that our request created an url that contained "_dc=1329443875411". When you make a GET request like this,many web servers cache the response and send you back the same response every time you make the request. Although this speeds the web up,it is not always what you want. In fact in applications this is rarely what you want,so we "bust" the cache by adding a timestamp to every request. This tells the web server to treat it like a fresh,uncached request.


If you want to turn this behavior off,we ccould set disableCaching to false,as shown in the following code sample:

如果你想关闭功能,可以设置disableCaching 为false,如下面的代码所示:

 disableCachingfalse Since the request no longer contains the cache busting string,it looks like the following string:



Sending Headers


Another option related to customizing the request is the headers option. This enables you to send any custom headers to your server,which is often useful when the web server returns different content based on these headers. For example,if your web server returns JSON,XML,or CSV based on the header it is passed,we can request JSON like in the following example:


 headers"Content-Type""application/json" If you create a request like this and inspect it in Firebug/web inspector,you will see that the Content-Type header has been set to application/json. Your web server can pick up on this and send you the right response. You can pass any number of headers you like into the headers option.


Callback Options


Not every AJAX request succeeds: sometimes the server is down,or your internet connection drops,or something else bad happens.Ext.Ajaxallows you to specify separate callbacks for each of these cases:


("Spiffing,everything worked" failure"Curses,something terrible happened" These do exactly what you would expect them to do,and hopefully most of the time it is your success callback that gets called. It is pretty common to provide a success callback that updates the UI or does whatever else is needed by the application flow,and a failure handler that either resends the request or alerts the user that something went wrong.


You can providesuccess/failureandcallbackat the same time,so for this request thesuccessfunction is called first (if everything was ok),followed by the maincallbackfunction. In the case of failure,thefailurefunction is called first,followed bycallback:


"It is what it is"});

Timeouts and Aborting Requests


Another way requests can fail is when the server took too long to respond and the request timed out. In this case yourfailurefunction is called,and the request object it is passed has the timedout variable set to true:


timedout // logs true By default the timeout threshold is 30 seconds,but you can specify it for every request by setting the timeout value in millisecond. In the following case the request will give up after 5 seconds:


 timeout 5000 It is also possible to abort requests that are currently outstanding. In order to do this,you need to save a reference to the request object thatExt.Ajax.requestreturns,sans-serif; font-size:12.800000190734863px; line-height:19.5px"> 废弃当前尚未完成的请求也是可能的。为了达到这个目的,你需要保存对请求对象的引用,即Ext.Ajax.request返回的对象,如下所示:

var myRequest = aborted}); abortmyRequest);

This time the failure callback is called and its response.aborted property is set. You can use all of the error handling above in your apps:


if Msgalert'Timeout'"The server timed out :("else'Aborted'"Looks like you aborted the request"'Bad'"Something went wrong with your request"});

Cross-Domain Requests


A relatively new capability of modern browsers is calledCORS,which stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. This allows you to send requests to other domains,without the usual security restrictions enforced by the browser. Sencha Touch provides support for CORS,although you will probably need to configure your web server in order to enable it. If you are not familiar with the required actions for setting up your web server for CORS,a quick web search should give you plenty of answers.

现代浏览器的一个相对比较新的功能叫CORS,代表Cross-Origin Resource Sharing(跨域资源共享)。这允许你撇开浏览器的安全策略要求向其他的域发起请求。st对cors提供了支持,但是你需要配置你的服务器以允许它。如果你对配置web服务器允许cors不熟,一个快速的检索将给你很多答案。

Assuming your server is set up,sending a CORS request is easy:


'http://www.somedomain.com/some/awesome/url.PHP' withCredentialstrue useDefaultXhrHeaderfalse});

Form Uploads


The final topic covered in this guide is uploading forms,a functionality that is illustrated in the following sample code:

本向导包含的最后一个话题 是表单上传,如下代码所示的功能

 form'myFormId'success'Success''We got your form submission''Fail''Hmm,that did not work' This finds a <form> tag on the page with id="myFormId",retrieves its data and puts it into the request params object,as shown at the start of this guide. Then it submits it to the specified url and calls your callbacks like normal.

这会寻找页面上id = “myFormId”的<form>标签,检索表单里的数据并将其放入请求的params参数,如本篇开始里所提到的样。然后会跟正常情况下样提交到指定的url并执行callback回调函数

