<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ReportConfig> <Report ID="1" Title="The New Donor Information" > <Params> <ParamItem ParaType="ProfileTypeCheckBox" ParaTitle="機構類別" Para1Name="@ProfileTypeIds" /> <ParamItem ParaType="DateRange" ParaTitle="成為捐款者日期" Para1Name="@StartDate" Para2Name="@EndDate"/> <ParamItem ParaType="EnabledStatus" ParaTitle="狀態" Para1Name="@EnabledStatus" /> </Params> <sqlStatement> <![CDATA[ SELECT * FROM [Profile] WHERE MergeProfileID is null AND Status=1 AND case when len(@ProfileTypeIds)>0 then charindex(','+cast(ProfileType as varchar)+',','+@ProfileTypeIds+',') else 1 end >0 AND IsDonor=1 AND DonorDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate ]]> </sqlStatement> </Report> <Report ID="2" Title="The InKindItem Information"> <Params> <ParamItem ParaType="DateRange" ParaTitle="饋贈日期" Para1Name="@StartDate" Para2Name="@EndDate" Default1Value="-365" Default2Value="0" ConditionTitle="InKindItemDate"/> </Params> <sqlStatement> <![CDATA[ select * from ProfileInKindItem where InKindDate between @StartDate and @EndDate ]]> </sqlStatement> </Report> </ReportConfig>
2. 定义类
public enum ReportTemplateType
/// <summary> /// 主表報定義 /// </summary> public class ReportAdapterSection { public string ID { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public string MastersqlStatement { get; set; } public List<ReportParamSection> ParamSettings { get; set; } public string UniqueKey { get; set; } public string SummaryAmtOrNum { get; set; } public bool IsAddTotal { get; set; } public string Remark1 { get; set; } public string Remark2 { get; set; } public string Remark3 { get; set; } } /// <summary> /// 報表參數:應用到sql語句 /// </summary> public class ReportParamSection { public string MainID { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public ReportParaType Type { get; set; } public string[] Params { get; set; } public string[] DefaultValues { get; set; } public string ConditionTitle { get; set; } }
/// <summary> /// XML报表实体类 /// </summary> public static class ReportAdapterUtility { /// <summary> /// 獲取參數的值 /// </summary> public static Dictionary<string,object> GetParamNameValues(ReportAdapterSection section,List<HtmlTableRow> postTableRows) { string key = "_" + section.ID; Dictionary<string,object> paras = new Dictionary<string,object>(); for (int i = 0; i < section.ParamSettings.Count; i++) { var paraSetting = section.ParamSettings[i]; var cotainerCell = postTableRows[i].Cells[1]; switch (paraSetting.Type) { case ReportParaType.DateRange: DatePicker datePicker1 = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as DatePicker; DatePicker datePicker2 = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[1] + key) as DatePicker; if (datePicker1.SelectedDate.HasValue) { paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[0],datePicker1.SelectedDate); } else { paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[0],"1900-01-01"); } if (datePicker2.SelectedDate.HasValue) { paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[1],datePicker2.SelectedDate); } else { paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[1],"9999-12-31"); } break; case ReportParaType.IntRange: TextBox intTextBox1 = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as TextBox; int intValue1 = 0; if (int.TryParse(intTextBox1.Text,out intValue1)) { paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[0],intValue1); } else { paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[0],0); } TextBox intTextBox2 = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[1] + key) as TextBox; int intValue2 = 0; if (int.TryParse(intTextBox2.Text,out intValue2)) { paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[1],intValue2); } else { paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[1],99999999); } break; case ReportParaType.MoneyRange: TextBox MoneyTextBox1 = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as TextBox; decimal moneyValue1 = 0; if (decimal.TryParse(MoneyTextBox1.Text,out moneyValue1)) { paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[0],moneyValue1); } else { paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[0],-99999999); } TextBox MoneyTextBox2 = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[1] + key) as TextBox; decimal moneyValue2 = 0; if (decimal.TryParse(MoneyTextBox2.Text,out moneyValue2)) { paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[1],moneyValue2); } else { paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[1],99999999); } break; case ReportParaType.ServiceNatureID: DropDownList ddl_ServiceNature = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as DropDownList; paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[0],ddl_ServiceNature.SelectedValue); break; case ReportParaType.EventID: DropDownList ddl_Event = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as DropDownList; paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[0],ddl_Event.SelectedValue); break; case ReportParaType.ProfileTypeCheckBox: CheckBoxList cbl_ProfileType = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as CheckBoxList; string ids = cbl_ProfileType.GetSelectedValues(t => int.Parse(t)).ToString(t => t.ToString(),","); paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[0],ids); break; case ReportParaType.DonationStatusCheckBox: CheckBoxList cbl_DonationStatus = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as CheckBoxList; string DonationStatusIds = cbl_DonationStatus.GetSelectedValues(t => int.Parse(t)).ToString(t => t.ToString(),DonationStatusIds); break; case ReportParaType.ServiceNatureCheckBox: CheckBoxList cbl_ServiceNature = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as CheckBoxList; string ServiceNatureIds = cbl_ServiceNature.GetSelectedValues(t => int.Parse(t)).ToString(t => t.ToString(),"); string rightServiceNatureIds = CommonMethod.GetReportServiceNatureRights(); paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[0],string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ServiceNatureIds) ? rightServiceNatureIds : ServiceNatureIds); break; case ReportParaType.EnabledStatus: CheckBoxList cbl_EnabledStatus = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as CheckBoxList; string EnabledStatusIds = cbl_EnabledStatus.GetSelectedValues(t => int.Parse(t)).ToString(t => t.ToString(),"); EnabledStatusIds = EnabledStatusIds == "1,0" ? "" : EnabledStatusIds; paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[0],EnabledStatusIds); break; case ReportParaType.HCCCheckBox: CheckBoxList cbl_HCCCheckBox = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as CheckBoxList; string HccIds = cbl_HCCCheckBox.GetSelectedValues(t => int.Parse(t)).ToString(t => t.ToString(),HccIds); break; case ReportParaType.IsVip: CheckBoxList cbl_IsVip = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as CheckBoxList; string VipIds = cbl_IsVip.GetSelectedValues(t => int.Parse(t)).ToString(t => t.ToString(),"); VipIds = VipIds == "1,0" ? "" : VipIds; paras.Add(paraSetting.Params[0],VipIds); break; } } return paras; } /// <summary> /// 獲取參數條件表達式 /// </summary> public static string GetParamCondition(ReportAdapterSection section,List<HtmlTableRow> postTableRows) { string key = "_" + section.ID; string condition = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < section.ParamSettings.Count; i++) { var paraSetting = section.ParamSettings[i]; var cotainerCell = postTableRows[i].Cells[1]; string where = string.Empty; switch (paraSetting.Type) { case ReportParaType.DateRange: DatePicker datePicker1 = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as DatePicker; DatePicker datePicker2 = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[1] + key) as DatePicker; string dateCondition = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paraSetting.ConditionTitle) ? "Donation Date" : paraSetting.ConditionTitle; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(datePicker1.SelectedDate.ToString())) { where = dateCondition + ": From " + datePicker1.SelectedDate.Value.ToShortDateString(); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(datePicker2.SelectedDate.ToString())) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(datePicker1.SelectedDate.ToString())) { where = dateCondition + ": From " + datePicker1.SelectedDate.Value.ToShortDateString() + " to " + datePicker2.SelectedDate.Value.ToShortDateString(); } else { where = dateCondition + ": to " + datePicker2.SelectedDate.Value.ToShortDateString(); } } break; case ReportParaType.IntRange: TextBox intTextBox1 = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as TextBox; TextBox intTextBox2 = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[1] + key) as TextBox; int intValue1 = 0; int intValue2 = 0; string countCondition = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paraSetting.ConditionTitle) ? "Donation Count" : paraSetting.ConditionTitle; if (int.TryParse(intTextBox1.Text,out intValue1)) { where = countCondition + ": From " + intValue1.ToString(); } if (int.TryParse(intTextBox2.Text,out intValue2)) { if (intValue1 > 0) { where += " To " + intValue2.ToString(); } else { where = countCondition + ": To " + intValue2.ToString(); } } break; case ReportParaType.MoneyRange: TextBox MoneyTextBox1 = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as TextBox; TextBox MoneyTextBox2 = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[1] + key) as TextBox; decimal moneyValue1 = 0; decimal moneyValue2 = 0; string amountCondition = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paraSetting.ConditionTitle) ? "Donation Amount" : paraSetting.ConditionTitle; if (decimal.TryParse(MoneyTextBox1.Text,out moneyValue1)) { where = amountCondition + ": From " + moneyValue1.ToString(); } if (decimal.TryParse(MoneyTextBox2.Text,out moneyValue2)) { if (moneyValue1 > 0) { where += " To " + moneyValue2.ToString(); } else { where = amountCondition + ": To " + moneyValue2.ToString(); } } break; case ReportParaType.ServiceNatureID: DropDownList ddl_ServiceNature = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as DropDownList; int ID = int.Parse(ddl_ServiceNature.SelectedValue); string ServiceNatureName = string.Empty; ServiceNatureORM dataModel = BaseInfoSRV.GetServiceNatureByID(ID); ServiceNatureName = dataModel == null ? string.Empty : dataModel.NameEN; where = "Service Nature: " + ServiceNatureName; break; case ReportParaType.EventID: DropDownList ddl_Event = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as DropDownList; if (ddl_Event.Items.Count > 0) { where = "Event: " + ddl_Event.SelectedItem.Text; } break; case ReportParaType.ProfileTypeCheckBox: CheckBoxList cbl_ProfileType = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as CheckBoxList; foreach (ListItem item in cbl_ProfileType.Items) { if (item.Selected) { where += (where.Length > 0 ? "," : "") + item.Text; } } where = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(where) ? "" : (Environment.NewLine + "ProfileType: " + where); break; case ReportParaType.DonationStatusCheckBox: CheckBoxList cbl_DonationStatus = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as CheckBoxList; foreach (ListItem item in cbl_DonationStatus.Items) { if (item.Selected) { where += (where.Length > 0 ? "," : "") + item.Text; } } where = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(where) ? "" : (Environment.NewLine + "Donation Status: " + where); break; case ReportParaType.ServiceNatureCheckBox: CheckBoxList cbl_ServiceNature = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as CheckBoxList; foreach (ListItem item in cbl_ServiceNature.Items) { if (item.Selected) { where += (where.Length > 0 ? "," : "") + item.Text; } } where = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(where) ? "" : (Environment.NewLine + "Service Nature: " + where); break; case ReportParaType.EnabledStatus: CheckBoxList cbl_EnabledStatus = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as CheckBoxList; foreach (ListItem item in cbl_EnabledStatus.Items) { if (item.Selected) { where += (where.Length > 0 ? "," : "") + item.Text; } } where = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(where) ? "" : (Environment.NewLine + "Enabled Status: " + where); break; case ReportParaType.HCCCheckBox: CheckBoxList cbl_HCCCheckBox = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as CheckBoxList; foreach (ListItem item in cbl_HCCCheckBox.Items) { if (item.Selected) { where += (where.Length > 0 ? "," : "") + item.Text; } } where = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(where) ? "" : (Environment.NewLine + "HCC Item: " + where); break; case ReportParaType.IsVip: CheckBoxList cbl_IsVip = cotainerCell.FindControl(paraSetting.Params[0] + key) as CheckBoxList; foreach (ListItem item in cbl_IsVip.Items) { if (item.Selected) { where += (where.Length > 0 ? "," : "") + item.Text; } } where = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(where) ? "" : (Environment.NewLine + "Haven Of Hope VIP: " + where); break; } condition += string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(where) ? "" : (where + "\r"); } return condition; } /// <summary> /// 获取一个XML档所有ID和报表名称 /// </summary> public static Dictionary<string,string> GetReportAdapterSectionList(ProfileRole RoleType,ReportTemplateType TemplateType) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); string configFile = GetReportConfigFile(RoleType,TemplateType); xmlDoc.Load(configFile); XmlNodeList nodes = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("ReportConfig").ChildNodes; Dictionary<string,string> reportNameList = new Dictionary<string,string>(); foreach (XmlElement node in nodes) { string ID = node.Attributes["ID"].Value; string Title = node.Attributes["Title"].Value; reportNameList.Add(ID,Title); } return reportNameList; } /// <summary> /// 获取一个报表的参数 /// </summary> public static ReportAdapterSection GetReportAdapterSectionByID(string ReportID,ProfileRole RoleType,ReportTemplateType TemplateType) { ReportAdapterSection reportModel = new ReportAdapterSection(); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); string configFile = GetReportConfigFile(RoleType,TemplateType); xmlDoc.Load(configFile); XmlNodeList nodes = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("ReportConfig").ChildNodes; List<ReportParamSection> list = new List<ReportParamSection>(); foreach (XmlElement node in nodes) { if (node.HasChildNodes && node.Attributes["ID"].Value == ReportID) { string MainID = node.Attributes["ID"].Value; reportModel.ID = MainID; reportModel.Title = node.Attributes["Title"].Value; string UniqueKey = string.Empty; if (node.Attributes["UniqueKey"] != null) { UniqueKey = node.Attributes["UniqueKey"].Value; } reportModel.UniqueKey = UniqueKey; string SummaryAmtOrNum = string.Empty; if (node.Attributes["SummaryAmtOrNum"] != null) { SummaryAmtOrNum = node.Attributes["SummaryAmtOrNum"].Value; } reportModel.SummaryAmtOrNum = SummaryAmtOrNum; bool IsAddTotal = false; if (node.Attributes["IsAddTotal"] != null) { IsAddTotal = node.Attributes["IsAddTotal"].Value == "1" ? true : false; } reportModel.IsAddTotal = IsAddTotal; XmlNode paramsNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Params"); if (paramsNode != null && paramsNode.HasChildNodes) { foreach (XmlElement item in paramsNode) { ReportParamSection model = new ReportParamSection(); model.MainID = MainID; model.Title = item.Attributes["ParaTitle"].Value; model.Type = (ReportParaType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ReportParaType),item.Attributes["ParaType"].Value); //参数 string paras1 = string.Empty,paras2 = string.Empty; paras1 = item.Attributes["Para1Name"].Value; if (item.Attributes["Para2Name"] != null) { paras2 = item.Attributes["Para2Name"].Value; } model.Params = new string[] { paras1,paras2 }; //默认值 string dvalue1 = string.Empty,dvalue2 = string.Empty; if (item.Attributes["Default1Value"] != null) { dvalue1 = item.Attributes["Default1Value"].Value; } if (item.Attributes["Default2Value"] != null) { dvalue2 = item.Attributes["Default2Value"].Value; } model.DefaultValues = new string[] { dvalue1,dvalue2 }; //条件标题 string ConditionTitle = string.Empty; if (item.Attributes["ConditionTitle"] != null) { ConditionTitle = item.Attributes["ConditionTitle"].Value; } model.ConditionTitle = ConditionTitle; list.Add(model); } } XmlNode sqlNode = node.SelectSingleNode("sqlStatement"); reportModel.MastersqlStatement = sqlNode.InnerText; if (node.SelectSingleNode("Remark1") != null) { reportModel.Remark1 = node.SelectSingleNode("Remark1").Attributes["Text"].Value; } if (node.SelectSingleNode("Remark2") != null) { reportModel.Remark2 = node.SelectSingleNode("Remark2").Attributes["Text"].Value; } if (node.SelectSingleNode("Remark3") != null) { reportModel.Remark3 = node.SelectSingleNode("Remark3").Attributes["Text"].Value; } } } reportModel.ParamSettings = list; return reportModel; } /// <summary> /// 由ReportAdapterSection创建TableRow /// </summary> public static List<HtmlTableRow> CreateTableRowList(ReportAdapterSection section) { List<HtmlTableRow> ParamToControls = new List<HtmlTableRow>(); foreach (ReportParamSection item in section.ParamSettings) { ParamToControls.Add(CreateParamInputTableRow(item)); } return ParamToControls; } /// <summary> /// 自动创建控件 /// </summary> private static HtmlTableRow CreateParamInputTableRow(ReportParamSection obj) { string ServiceNatureIds = string.Empty; string key = "_" + obj.MainID; HtmlTableRow row = new HtmlTableRow(); HtmlTableCell cell1 = new HtmlTableCell(); cell1.InnerText = obj.Title + ":"; cell1.Attributes["class"] = "capitalField field"; row.Cells.Add(cell1); HtmlTableCell cell2 = new HtmlTableCell(); cell2.Attributes["class"] = "field"; row.Cells.Add(cell2); switch (obj.Type) { case ReportParaType.DateRange: Literal dlit1 = new Literal() { Text = "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr><td style=\"width: 15px; text-align: center\">由</td><td style=\"width: 155px;\">" }; Literal dlit2 = new Literal() { Text = "</td><td style=\"width: 20px; text-align: center\">至</td><td style=\"width: 180px;\">" }; Literal dlit3 = new Literal() { Text = "</td></tr></table>" }; DatePicker datePicker1 = new DatePicker(); DatePicker datePicker2 = new DatePicker(); datePicker1.Width = 150; datePicker1.ID = obj.Params[0] + key; datePicker2.Width = 150; datePicker2.ID = obj.Params[1] + key; int days; if (obj.DefaultValues[0] != null) { if (int.TryParse(obj.DefaultValues[0],out days)) { datePicker1.SelectedDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(days); } } if (obj.DefaultValues[1] != null) { if (int.TryParse(obj.DefaultValues[1],out days)) { datePicker2.SelectedDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(days); } } cell2.Controls.Add(dlit1); cell2.Controls.Add(datePicker1); cell2.Controls.Add(dlit2); cell2.Controls.Add(datePicker2); cell2.Controls.Add(dlit3); break; case ReportParaType.IntRange: Literal ilit1 = new Literal() { Text = " 由 " }; Literal ilit2 = new Literal() { Text = " 至 " }; TextBox txt_MinCount = new TextBox(); TextBox txt_MaxCount = new TextBox(); txt_MinCount.ID = obj.Params[0] + key; txt_MaxCount.ID = obj.Params[1] + key; int count; txt_MinCount.Text = ""; if (obj.DefaultValues[0] != null) { if (int.TryParse(obj.DefaultValues[0],out count)) { txt_MinCount.Text = count.ToString(); } } txt_MaxCount.Text = ""; if (obj.DefaultValues[1] != null) { if (int.TryParse(obj.DefaultValues[1],out count)) { txt_MaxCount.Text = count.ToString(); } } cell2.Controls.Add(ilit1); cell2.Controls.Add(txt_MinCount); cell2.Controls.Add(ilit2); cell2.Controls.Add(txt_MaxCount); break; case ReportParaType.MoneyRange: Literal mlit1 = new Literal() { Text = " 由 " }; Literal mlit2 = new Literal() { Text = " 至 " }; TextBox txt_MinAmount = new TextBox(); TextBox txt_MaxAmount = new TextBox(); txt_MinAmount.ID = obj.Params[0] + key; txt_MaxAmount.ID = obj.Params[1] + key; decimal amount; txt_MinAmount.Text = ""; if (obj.DefaultValues[0] != null) { if (decimal.TryParse(obj.DefaultValues[0],out amount)) { txt_MinAmount.Text = amount.ToString(); } } txt_MaxAmount.Text = ""; if (obj.DefaultValues[1] != null) { if (decimal.TryParse(obj.DefaultValues[1],out amount)) { txt_MaxAmount.Text = amount.ToString(); } } cell2.Controls.Add(mlit1); cell2.Controls.Add(txt_MinAmount); cell2.Controls.Add(mlit2); cell2.Controls.Add(txt_MaxAmount); break; case ReportParaType.ProfileTypeCheckBox: CheckBoxList cbl_ProfileType = new CheckBoxList(); cbl_ProfileType.ID = obj.Params[0] + key; cbl_ProfileType.DataSource = EnumDataUtility.GetEnumItemCollection<ProfileType>().ToList().Select(t => { return new { Text = t.Description,Value = t.Value }; }); cbl_ProfileType.DataTextField = "Text"; cbl_ProfileType.DataValueField = "Value"; cbl_ProfileType.DataBind(); cbl_ProfileType.RepeatColumns = 6; cbl_ProfileType.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal; cbl_ProfileType.CssClass = "itemlist-mulrow-fixed"; cbl_ProfileType.Attributes["Width"] = "100%"; cell2.Controls.Add(cbl_ProfileType); break; case ReportParaType.DonationStatusCheckBox: CheckBoxList cbl_DonationStatus = new CheckBoxList(); cbl_DonationStatus.ID = obj.Params[0] + key; cbl_DonationStatus.DataSource = EnumDataUtility.GetEnumItemCollection<DonationStatus>().ToList().Select(t => { return new { Text = t.Description,Value = t.Value }; }); cbl_DonationStatus.DataTextField = "Text"; cbl_DonationStatus.DataValueField = "Value"; cbl_DonationStatus.DataBind(); cbl_DonationStatus.RepeatColumns = 5; cbl_DonationStatus.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal; cbl_DonationStatus.CssClass = "itemlist-mulrow-fixed"; cbl_DonationStatus.Attributes["Width"] = "100%"; cell2.Controls.Add(cbl_DonationStatus); break; case ReportParaType.EnabledStatus: CheckBoxList cbl_EnabledStatus = new CheckBoxList(); cbl_EnabledStatus.ID = obj.Params[0] + key; cbl_EnabledStatus.DataSource = EnumDataUtility.GetEnumItemCollection<EnabledStatus>().ToList().Select(t => { return new { Text = t.Description,Value = t.Value }; }); cbl_EnabledStatus.DataTextField = "Text"; cbl_EnabledStatus.DataValueField = "Value"; cbl_EnabledStatus.DataBind(); cbl_EnabledStatus.RepeatColumns = 2; cbl_EnabledStatus.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal; cbl_EnabledStatus.CssClass = "itemlist-mulrow-fixed"; cbl_EnabledStatus.Attributes["Width"] = "200"; cell2.Controls.Add(cbl_EnabledStatus); break; case ReportParaType.ServiceNatureCheckBox: CheckBoxList cbl_ServiceNature = new CheckBoxList(); cbl_ServiceNature.ID = obj.Params[0] + key; ServiceNatureIds = CommonMethod.GetReportServiceNatureRights(); cbl_ServiceNature.DataSource = BaseInfoSRV.GetServiceNatureListByIds(ServiceNatureIds).ToList().Select(t => { return new ListItem() { Text = t.NameCN,Value = t.ID.ToString() }; }).ToList(); cbl_ServiceNature.DataTextField = "Text"; cbl_ServiceNature.DataValueField = "Value"; cbl_ServiceNature.DataBind(); cbl_ServiceNature.RepeatColumns = 5; cbl_ServiceNature.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal; cbl_ServiceNature.CssClass = "itemlist-mulrow-fixed"; cbl_ServiceNature.Attributes["Width"] = "100%"; cell2.Controls.Add(cbl_ServiceNature); break; case ReportParaType.ServiceNatureID: DropDownList ddl_ServiceNature = new DropDownList(); ddl_ServiceNature.ID = obj.Params[0] + key; ServiceNatureIds = CommonMethod.GetReportServiceNatureRights(); ddl_ServiceNature.DataSource = BaseInfoSRV.GetServiceNatureListByIds(ServiceNatureIds).ToList().Select(t => { return new ListItem() { Text = t.NameCN,Value = t.ID.ToString() }; }).ToList(); ddl_ServiceNature.DataTextField = "Text"; ddl_ServiceNature.DataValueField = "Value"; ddl_ServiceNature.DataBind(); ddl_ServiceNature.Width = 340; cell2.Controls.Add(ddl_ServiceNature); break; case ReportParaType.EventID: DropDownList ddl_Event = new DropDownList(); ddl_Event.ID = obj.Params[0] + key; ddl_Event.DataSource = ActivitySRV.GetAllEventList(true).ToList().Select(t => { return new ListItem() { Text = t.EventCode + " " + t.NameCN,Value = t.ID.ToString() }; }).ToList(); ddl_Event.DataTextField = "Text"; ddl_Event.DataValueField = "Value"; ddl_Event.DataBind(); ddl_Event.Width = 340; cell2.Controls.Add(ddl_Event); break; case ReportParaType.HCCCheckBox: CheckBoxList cbl_HCC = new CheckBoxList(); cbl_HCC.ID = obj.Params[0] + key; cbl_HCC.DataSource = ProfileSRV.GetProfilePropertyListByItemKey(ProfileEnumData.HCC.ToEnumDescriptionByType()).ToList().Select(t => { return new { Text = t.NameCN,Value = t.ItemTypeID }; }); cbl_HCC.DataTextField = "Text"; cbl_HCC.DataValueField = "Value"; cbl_HCC.DataBind(); cbl_HCC.RepeatColumns = 6; cbl_HCC.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal; cbl_HCC.CssClass = "itemlist-mulrow-fixed"; cbl_HCC.Attributes["Width"] = "100%"; cell2.Controls.Add(cbl_HCC); break; case ReportParaType.IsVip: CheckBoxList cbl_IsVip = new CheckBoxList(); cbl_IsVip.ID = obj.Params[0] + key; cbl_IsVip.DataSource = EnumDataUtility.GetEnumItemCollection<BoolToYesNo>().ToList().Select(t => { return new { Text = t.Description,Value = t.Value }; }); cbl_IsVip.DataTextField = "Text"; cbl_IsVip.DataValueField = "Value"; cbl_IsVip.DataBind(); cbl_IsVip.RepeatColumns = 2; cbl_IsVip.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal; cbl_IsVip.CssClass = "itemlist-mulrow-fixed"; cbl_IsVip.Attributes["Width"] = "200"; cell2.Controls.Add(cbl_IsVip); break; } return row; } /// <summary> /// 获取XML档文件路径 /// </summary> private static string GetReportConfigFile(ProfileRole RoleType,ReportTemplateType TemplateType) { string folder = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Pages/Report/XML"); string fileName = string.Empty; switch (TemplateType) { case ReportTemplateType.AnalysisTool: switch (RoleType) { case ProfileRole.Donor: fileName = "Donor_AnalysisTool.xml"; break; case ProfileRole.KOL: fileName = "KOL_AnalysisTool.xml"; break; case ProfileRole.Media: fileName = "Media_AnalysisTool.xml"; break; case ProfileRole.PotentialSupporter: fileName = "PS_AnalysisTool.xml"; break; case ProfileRole.Volunteer: fileName = "Volunteer_AnalysisTool.xml"; break; default: throw new InvalidCastException(RoleType.ToString()); } break; case ReportTemplateType.MgtAnalysis: switch (RoleType) { case ProfileRole.Donor: fileName = "Donor_MgtAnalysis.xml"; break; case ProfileRole.KOL: fileName = "KOL_MgtAnalysis.xml"; break; case ProfileRole.Media: fileName = "Media_MgtAnalysis.xml"; break; case ProfileRole.PotentialSupporter: fileName = "PS_MgtAnalysis.xml"; break; case ProfileRole.Volunteer: fileName = "Volunteer_MgtAnalysis.xml"; break; default: throw new InvalidCastException(RoleType.ToString()); } break; default: throw new InvalidCastException(TemplateType.ToString()); } return System.IO.Path.Combine(folder,fileName); } }原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/xml/299873.html