
<? xml version="1.0" ?>
- < configuration >
- < parser_instructions >
 NOTE: entries here are used by the parser when generating output 
 NOTE: each filename must be on it's own line as in variable=value
</ parser_instructions >
 NOTE: "physical_partition" are listed in order and apply to devices such as eMMC cards that have (for example) 3 physical partitions 
 This is physical partition 0 
- < physical_partition >
 NOTE: Define information for each partition,which will be created in order listed here 
 NOTE: Place all "readonly=true" partitions side by side for optimum space usage 
 NOTE: If OPTIMIZE_READONLY_PARTITIONS=true,then partitions won't be in the order listed here 
       they will instead be placed side by side at the beginning of the disk 
< partition label =" modem " size_in_kb =" 65536 " type =" EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 " bootable =" false " readonly =" true " filename =" NON-HLOS.bin " />
< partition label =" sbl1 " size_in_kb =" 512 " type =" DEA0BA2C-CBDD-4805-B4F9-F428251C3E98 " bootable =" false " readonly =" false " filename =" sbl1.mbn " />
< partition label =" sbl1bak " size_in_kb =" 512 " type =" EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 " bootable =" false " readonly =" false " filename =" sbl1.mbn " />
< partition label =" DDR " size_in_kb =" 32 " type =" 20A0C19C-286A-42FA-9CE7-F64C3226A794 " bootable =" false " readonly =" true " />
< partition label =" aboot " size_in_kb =" 15360 " type =" 400FFDCD-22E0-47E7-9A23-F16ED9382388 " bootable =" false " readonly =" false " filename =" emmc_appsboot.mbn " />

WRITE_PROTECT_BOUNDARY_IN_KB 表示对齐大小,当分区为readonly的分区,其大小是按这个值对齐的;
建议规划分区的时候,readonly属性=true的规划在一起,为false的规划在一起。否则readonly为false分区跳到为ture的分区, 和readonly为ture的分区跳到为false的分区都会出现地址对齐,然后造成emmc大小浪费。
