Developing Portlets

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了Developing Portlets前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

This document explains the way to setup a portlet.

Entities Involved

  • PortletCategory – Used to define category for portlets.
  • PortalPortlet – All the information about a portlet is stored here.
  • PortletPortletCategory – This associates the portlets with the logical categories.
  • PortalPage – A portal page. Every Portal Page has a owner associated to it (userLoginId). To move a portlet from one Portal Page to another can be done
    • If the logged in user is the owner of the portal page or
    • If the portal page is a system page. (userLoginId="NA")
  • PortalPageColumn – The number of the columns can be defined for a portal page.
  • PortalPagePortlet – The portlets that belong to a portal page.
  • PortalPageAndUserLogin – (View entity PortalPage + UserLoginSecurityGroup) - The portal pages that are accessible to a user if he belongs to certain security group.
  • PortletAttribute – This defines all the attributes of a portlet. For example,to display a portlet,it needs a roleTypeId (attrName) = PLACING_CUSTOMER (attrName).

How To Setup

Here I am taking an example from OOTB implementation to show how do we setup a portlet.
The reference file here is PartyPortletData.xml Data preparation needs to be done as shown bellow this is all done for viewprofile page in partymgr:

Following is the first portlet with its all the associations and details:
<PortletCategory portletCategoryId="PROFILE" description="Profiles"/>
<PortalPortlet portalPortletId="party"
    portletName="Party Info"
    description="General information about a person or party group"
<PortletPortletCategory portalPortletId="party" portletCategoryId="PROFILE"/>
<PortalPage portalPageId="PartyProfile" sequenceNum="0" portalPageName="Party Profile Portal Page" description="Party profile page using flexible Portal technology" ownerUserLoginId="_NA_"/>
<PortalPageColumn portalPageId="PartyProfile" columnSeqId="00001" columnWidthPercentage="50"/>
<PortalPageColumn portalPageId="PartyProfile" columnSeqId="00002"/><!-- no width in pixels or percent,use the rest of the space available -->
<PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="PartyProfile" portalPortletId="party" portletSeqId="00001" columnSeqId="00001" sequenceNum="0"/>

Screen Setup

(OFBiz Trunk)
Now following code works in the screen to have portlets in action:
Trace the screen "viewprofile" from /party/widget/partymgr/PartyScreens.xml. We need to set portalPageId in parameters and include generic screen PortalPageScreen from component://common/widget/CommonScreens.xml
Which is as follows(Reference commit in OFBiz trunk rev. 900156):

<screen name="PortalPageScreen">
            <entity-one entity-name="PortalPage" value-field="portalPage"/>
            <get-related value-field="portalPage" relation-name="PortalPageColumn" list="portalPageColumns"/>
            <entity-and entity-name="PortalPagePortletView" list="portalPagePortlets">
                <field-map field-name="portalPageId" from-field="portalPage.portalPageId"/>
                <html><html-template location="component://common/webcommon/portal/showPortalPage.ftl"/></html>
