Basically nothing. They both create a resource that is a "color" value holding a 32 bit color. One is just a drawable subtype,one is a color subtype. When you retrieve a Drawable from resources,if the resource is actually a color constant it knows how to create a Drawable object for that.
getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.progress_background_draw); getResources().getColor(R.drawable.progress_background_draw);
所以当遇到函数参数为int 型,可以用上面的getresources().getColor()类型,也可以直接写 0xAARRGGBB的颜色值。
PS:补充一个由于这个参数种类导致的问题,调用的一个设置颜色的函数的参数是int类型,我在color.xml中定义了 drawable类型的颜色,在函数参数中传入这个R.drawable.progress_back_ground_draw ,但是显示的颜色不是自己想要的颜色,尝试换成其他drawable颜色,显示的仍然不是正确的,但是发现无论换成哪种drawable,显示的都是同一个颜色。
/** * Set the paint's color. Note that the color is an int containing alpha * as well as r,g,b. This 32bit value is not premultiplied,meaning that * its alpha can be any value,regardless of the values of r,b. * See the Color class for more details. * * @param color The new color (including alpha) to set in the paint. */ public native void setColor(int color);原来需要传入的参数是十六进制的颜色值,我给传入的都是#RRGGBB的颜色值,导致不能正常显示。那个最后显示的颜色,应该就是函数设置的一个默认颜色。 原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/xml/297223.html