什么变成了MSXML 4.0?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了什么变成了MSXML 4.0?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我对MS XML 4.0有所了解.

Microsoft有一个提供the CLSID and ProgIDs of various MSXML 4.0个对象的页面

Symbolic Name: CLSID_DOMDocument40
         GUID: {88d969c0-f192-11d4-a65f-0040963251e5}
       ProgID: Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0

Symbolic Name: CLSID_XMLSchemaCache40
         GUID: {88d969c2-f192-11d4-a65f-0040963251e5}
       ProgID: Msxml2.XMLSchemaCache.4.0


> MSXML 4.0是否仅随某些版本的Office(例如Office 2003)一起提供?
>它最初是否附带Windows XP,但后来的服务包将其删除了?

我愿意转向MSXML 5.0,它可以在Windows XP和Windows Vista机器上使用 – 但我想确保我拥有最广泛的兼容性;我认为MSXML 4.0比MSXML 5.0更广泛.

微软做recommend that i use MSXML 6.0

It is recommended that you upgrade
from earlier versions of MSXML to
MSXML 6.0. MSXML 6.0 provides security
and performance improvements over
earlier MSXML versions.

它被简单地弃用,以支持MSXML 6.0. This blog entry from the Microsoft XML team经历了MXSML的历史.不要让我在标题的“…在Internet Explorer”部分推迟,该页面上的历史完全独立于IE.


MSXML4 was a predecessor to MSXML6
but hasn’t ever shipped in the
operating system. MSXML6 is a
significant step forward in terms of
reliability,security,W3C and
System.Xml compatibility,and it also
has support for native 64-bit
environments. Right now we are
investing much more heavily in MSXML6
and MSXML3 and we’re encouraging our
customers to move to 6 when possible
and 3 when necessary.

OP编辑:重要的是要注意MSXML3是在W3C决定最终的XSD规范之前发布的.最终,W3C使用的XSD语法与Microsoft为MSXML3创建的语法不同. MSXML6与W3C选择的XSD方案完全兼容.


