能有效改善WordPress CMS功能的8个插件分享

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了能有效改善WordPress CMS功能的8个插件分享前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

NextGen Gallery @H_403_1@最好的图片相册插件。强大的支持,稳定,更新频繁,免费。WP内置的相册功能也是OK的,不过,NextGen Gallery是一个非常简单的交替换位改进.(FIX ME: but NextGen is a no-brainer improvement.)

ShadowBox JS@H_403_1@ ShadowBox JS 是一个巧妙的的 jQuery 插件,它能很直观地处理图片、视频和音乐文件。 它提供免费下载,但是如果你要商业许可证,你得花$20. 与插件的强大相比,这个价钱还是相当合理的。 Aksimet 每个人都知道它,但它不能从名单上划掉. Akismet 是 wordpress 所有反垃圾留言插件中最好的,而且它在每个WP安装时就已经存在了.用这个插件来让那些恼人的垃圾留言机器人远离你的评论吧.

Google XML Sitemaps@H_403_1@ Sitemaps能提供 SEO 方面的好处,那对你的潜在的客户来说是一个产品特色. 这个插件能在你点击按钮后为站点产生Sitemap并且通知所有主要搜索引擎。

Google Analyticator @H_403_1@谷歌分析对任何一个希望判断其性能的网站是一个必不可少的。这个插件将通过你基于wordpress构建的网站连接google Analytics并以小部件的方式显示概要。简单,有用,你的客户会喜欢的。 下面的有时间再译吧。。。不过相信大家基本都懂~~~

wordpress Database Backup@H_403_1@ It’s silly – alright,stupid – to not back up your website. Especially if the site has frequently updated content. This plugin is a “set-it-and-forget-it” type plugin,backing up the wordpress database at an interval specified by you. You can choose to download it,store it on the server,or have it emailed to you. Keep in mind you still should back up the theme,posts & pages separately through the dashboard. Note: I tried the Backup to DropBox plugin,which looks promising,but it only worked on one of two sites (the smaller site). If the reliability improves,chances are it will replace the wordpress Database Backup plugin.

wordpress.com Stats (现在改名叫JetPack) @H_403_1@While you already have Google Analyticator installed,wordpress.com Stats (now JetPack) offers a simple,real-time widget for pageviews,search terms and the like. Another plugin your clients like to see.

Simple 301 Redirects @H_403_1@If you’re redesigning a site – which happens quite often – chances are your client will want to keep some of the backlinks they’ve garnered over the years. If the site structure is changing dramatically,this plugin is an easy fix to redirect old URLs to the new ones (thus avoiding numerous 404 errors). 哪些插件是你用WP建站必备的呢? 译自:wordpress-cms/">http://www.paper-leaf.com/blog/2011/07/8-plugins-to-improve-the-wordpress-cms/
