Windows 8.1中,我使用的是新的SettingsFlyout控件.弹出窗口正确设置动画,如果您使用控件的内置后退按钮返回“设置超级按钮”弹出按钮,则会生成动画.但是如果你通过在弹出窗口外面点击来点亮它,它就会在没有过渡动画的情况下消失.
@H_404_4@当你点亮SettingsFlyout时,你如何为转换设置动画? (我不想返回设置魅力弹出窗口,我只是希望它在光线消失时滑出.)
当你点亮SettingsFlyout时,你如何为转换设置动画? (我不想返回设置魅力弹出窗口,我只是希望它在光线消失时滑出.)
public sealed partial class SettingsFlyout1 : SettingsFlyout { Popup _p; Border _b; public SettingsFlyout1() { this.InitializeComponent(); BackClick += SettingsFlyout1_BackClick; Unloaded += SettingsFlyout1_Unloaded; Tapped += SettingsFlyout1_Tapped; } void SettingsFlyout1_BackClick(object sender,BackClickEventArgs e) { _b.Child = null; SettingsPane.Show(); } void SettingsFlyout1_Unloaded(object sender,RoutedEventArgs e) { if (_p != null) { _p.IsOpen = false; } } void SettingsFlyout1_Tapped(object sender,TappedRoutedEventArgs e) { e.Handled = true; } public void ShowCustom() { _p = new Popup(); _b = new Border(); _b.ChildTransitions = new TransitionCollection(); // TODO: if you support right-to-left builds,make sure to test all combinations of RTL operating // system build (charms on left) and RTL flow direction for XAML app. EdgeTransitionLocation.Left // may need to be used for RTL (and HorizontalAlignment.Left on the SettingsFlyout below). _b.ChildTransitions.Add(new EdgeUIThemeTransition() { Edge = EdgeTransitionLocation.Right }); _b.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent); _b.Width = Window.Current.Bounds.Width; _b.Height = Window.Current.Bounds.Height; _b.Tapped += b_Tapped; this.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; _b.Child = this; _p.Child = _b; _p.IsOpen = true; } void b_Tapped(object sender,TappedRoutedEventArgs e) { Border b = (Border)sender; b.Child = null; } }
我认为SettingsFlyout应该为您的场景提供API支持,因此我在XAML团队中提交了一个工作项.将来,这些请求/问题也可以在MSDN论坛上提出(由MSFT人员主持).这里的限制是在Popup上使用IsLightDismissEnabled =“True”实现了SettingsFlyout,而light-dismiss事件当前立即关闭Popup而不允许卸载子转换运行.我认为这可以克服,并且可以在SettingsFlyout API级别支持转换以启用您的方案.