tell application "System Events" set frontmost of process "appIT" to true keystroke "1" using command down delay 0.2 end tell@H_301_5@
How do I make a Safari window active using AppleScript (elegantly)?中的答案)
to raiseWindow of theApplicationName for theName tell the application named theApplicationName activate set theWindow to the first item of ¬ (get the windows whose name is theName) if index of theWindow is not 1 then set index to 1 set visible to false set visible to true end if end tell end raiseWindow@H_301_5@切换可见性对于处理切换应用程序时出现的一些奇怪现象是必要的.如果不切换可见性,则当您切换回应用程序时,窗口将不是第一个窗口.不幸的是,这种切换将窗口缩小到底座然后恢复它,一个非常戏剧性的UI中断.
to raiseWindow2 of theApplicationName for theName tell the application named theApplicationName activate set theWindow to the first item of ¬ (get the windows whose name is theName) if the index of theWindow is not 1 then set the index of theWindow to 2 tell application "System Events" to ¬ tell application process theApplicationName to ¬ keystroke "`" using command down end if end tell end raiseWindow2@H_301_5@