function – 批处理脚本中的IP验证 – 先通过findstr匹配,然后通过for循环验证(仅使用功能内置的windows?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了function – 批处理脚本中的IP验证 – 先通过findstr匹配,然后通过for循环验证(仅使用功能内置的windows?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


findstr /r "[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*"


它“仅”需要进一步验证找到的字符串,例如使用for循环序列,并且`make shure每个找到的字符串八位字节对IP规则有效.

> 1到254之间的第一个八位字节

如果有人将第二部分验证集成到此代码中以进一步确定是否发现IP是3个私有类之一(,和192.168.0.0/16或者是其中之一) :到10.255.255.255,到172.31.255.255和192.168.0.0到192.168.255.255)这将成为一个圆函数.并且不要忘记特殊的127.x.x.x必须得到警告D).


> 0,128,192,224,240,248,252,254,255中的第四个



> take用于私有或公共IP范围的交换机

> IP验证 – 识别范围和设置返回值

> pulic类
> ……





根据MC ND的示例和Aacini的交换机处理和子网掩码代码,我搞砸了代码,添加错误处理使用回声和其他情况 – 这里包含一些测试示例代码

@echo off
          setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion

          rem try some ip addresses 
          for %%i in ("" "" "250.1024.1.2" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "something" "" ) do (
          REM is public / is false all / is private / is local / is private / is private / is subnet / is false all (source net)

              echo --------------- run one as default case assuming pulic with ret var -------------------

              rem call default with a return variable 
              call :validateIP %%~i ret && echo %%i is valid || echo %%i is invalid
              echo return value: !ret!
              echo --------------------------------------------

              echo --------------- run two with switch public -------------------

              rem call with switch public 
              call :validateIP %%~i /public && echo %%i is valid || echo %%i is invalid
              echo return value: !ret!
              echo --------------------------------------------

              echo ------------ run three with switch private ---------------------
              rem call with switch private 
              call :validateIP %%~i /private && echo %%i is valid || echo %%i is invalid
              echo return value: !ret!
              echo --------------------------------------------

              echo ------------ run four with switch private and ret variable ---------------------
              rem call with switch private and return variable
              call :validateIP %%~i /private ret && echo %%i is valid || echo %%i is invalid
              echo return value: !ret!
              echo --------------------------------------------

              echo ------------ run five with switch local and ret variable ---------------------
              rem call with switch private and return variable
              call :validateIP %%~i /local ret && echo %%i is valid || echo %%i is invalid
              echo return value: !ret!
              echo --------------------------------------------

              echo ------------ run six with switch subnet and ret variable ---------------------
              rem call with switch private and return variable
              call :validateIP %%~i /subnet ret && echo %%i is valid || echo %%i is invalid
              echo return value: !ret!
              echo --------------------------------------------

              echo ------------ run seven with switch source and ret variable ---------------------
              rem call with switch private and return variable
              call :validateIP %%~i /source ret && echo %%i is valid || echo %%i is invalid
              echo return value: !ret!
              echo --------------------------------------------

              echo ------------ run eight with nothing ---------------------
              rem call with switch private and return variable
              call :validateIP && echo is valid || echo is invalid
              echo return value: !ret!
              echo --------------------------------------------

          exit /b 

 :validateIP ipAddress [/ipRange] [returnVariable]

  rem prepare environment
  setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion 

  if "%~1"=="" goto USAGE
  echo %~1| findstr /b /e /r "[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*" >nul
  if errorlevel 1 goto USAGE

  rem Initialize ip range as public
  set "ipCASE=public"

  rem Process switches
  set "returnVar=%~2"
  rem If second parameter start with slash...
  if "%returnVar:~0,1%" equ "/" (
      rem It is the /ipRange
      set "ipCASE=%returnVar:~1%"
      set "returnVar=%~3"

  rem asume failure in tests : 0=pass 1=fail : same for return/errorlevel
  set "_return=1"
  set "_returnlevel=1"
  set "subNETNumbers=0,255"

  rem test if address conforms to ip address structure
  echo %~1| findstr /b /e /r "[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*" >nul

  rem if it conforms to structure,test each octet for range values
  if not errorlevel 1 for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=." %%a in ("%~1") do (
      if %%a gtr 0 if %%a lss 255 if %%b leq 255 if %%c leq 255 if %%d gtr 0 if %%d leq 254 set "_return=public"
      if %%a equ 10 if %%b geq 0 if %%b lss 255 if %%c geq 0 if %%c lss 255 if %%d gtr 0 if %%d leq 254 set "_return=private"
      if %%a equ 172 if %%b geq 16 if %%b lss 31 if %%c geq 0 if %%c lss 255 if %%d gtr 0 if %%d leq 254 set "_return=private"
      if %%a equ 192 if %%b equ 168 if %%c geq 0 if %%c lss 255 if %%d gtr 0 if %%d leq 254 set "_return=private"
      if %%a equ 127 if %%b geq 0 if %%b lss 255 if %%c geq 0 if %%c lss 255 if %%d gtr 0 if %%d leq 254 set "_return=local"
      if %%a equ 255 if not "!subNETNumbers:%%b=!" equ "%subNETNumbers%" if not "!subNETNumbers:%%c=!" equ "%subNETNumbers%" if not "!subNETNumbers:%%d=!" equ "%subNETNumbers%" set "_return=subnetmask"
      if %%a equ 0 set "_return=sourcenetwork"

  rem set returnlevels depending on given switch
  if "%ipCASE%"=="public"  if "%_return%"=="public"  (set "_returnlevel=0") else (set "_returnlevel=1")

  if "%ipCASE%"=="private" if "%_return%"=="private" (set "_returnlevel=0") else (set "_returnlevel=1")

  if "%ipCASE%"=="local" if "%_return%"=="local" (set "_returnlevel=0") else (set "_returnlevel=1")

  if "%ipCASE%"=="subnet" if "%_return%"=="subnetmask" (set "_returnlevel=0") else (set "_returnlevel=1")

  if "%ipCASE%"=="source" if "%_return%"=="sourcenetwork" (set "_returnlevel=0") else (set "_returnlevel=1")

  REM OPTION1 set errorlevel
  REM another correct way to set errorlevel would be to REM this line beneath and instead use _returnlevel with exit /b like in line REM OPTION2 - while this is interesting way to set it indirectly
  if "%_returnlevel%"=="0" (ver > nul) else (set dummy 2> nul)

  rem clean and return data/errorlevel to caller
  endlocal & ( if not "%returnVar%"=="" set "%returnVar%=%_return%" ) & exit /b 
  REM OPTION2 endlocal & ( if not "%returnVar%"=="" set "%returnVar%=%_return%" ) & exit /b %_returnlevel%  

  echo   Usage:  call :validateIP [/ipRange] [returnVariable]
  echo        for example: call :validateIP /local ret 
  echo     if NO switch is given function assumes public,echo     switch and return var are optional
  echo     errorlevel depends and corresponds on given switch
  echo     known switches: /public,/private,/local,/subnet,/source
  echo     return var reflects Syntax check,if return var is "1" the input was malformed anyhow
  goto :afterusage
@echo off
    setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion

    rem try some ip addresses 
    for %%i in ("" "" "250.1024.1.1" "" "something" "" ) do (

        echo --------------------------------------------

        rem call with a variable to get return value
        call :validateIP %%~i ret 
        echo %%~i : return value : !ret! 

        rem call with or without variable to get errorlevel
        call :validateIP %%~i  && echo %%i is valid || echo %%i is invalid


    exit /b 

:validateIP ipAddress [returnVariable]
    rem prepare environment

    rem asume failure in tests : 0=pass 1=fail : same for errorlevel
    set "_return=1"

    rem test if address conforms to ip address structure
    echo %~1^| findstr /b /e /r "[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*" >nul

    rem if it conforms to structure,test each octet for rage values
    if not errorlevel 1 for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=." %%a in ("%~1") do (
        if %%a gtr 0 if %%a lss 255 if %%b leq 255 if %%c leq 255 if %%d gtr 0 if %%d leq 254 set "_return=0"

    rem clean and return data/errorlevel to caller
    endlocal & ( if not "%~2"=="" set "%~2=%_return%" ) & exit /b %_return%
