由于Windows Runtime没有Silverlight的PhotoCaptureDevice类,因此无法使用非常有用的GetPreviewBufferARGB()和GetPreviewBufferYCbCr()方法.
现在有一个非常漂亮的解决方案,使用Lumia Imaging SDK,不使用MediaCapture类,但可能会更好地解决您的问题.
首先查看Microsoft的example on Github.这很好用但很复杂,因为它同时针对Windows 8.1和Windows Phone 8.1.
为了我自己的理解,我已经编写了一些更简单的代码,仅针对Windows Phone.它可能有所帮助.
首先使用通过NuGet PM安装Lumia Imaging SDK的新C#Windows Phone 8.1(Store)应用程序.此示例在MainPage.xaml中使用x:Name =“previewImage”绘制到图像元素,因此请确保添加该元素.你还需要对MainPage.xaml.cs进行相关的导入.
using Lumia.Imaging; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging; using Windows.UI.Core; using System.ComponentModel;
private CameraPreviewImageSource _cameraPreviewImageSource; // Using camera as our image source private WriteableBitmap _writeableBitmap; private FilterEffect _effect; private WriteableBitmapRenderer _writeableBitmapRenderer; // renderer for our images private bool _isRendering = false; // Used to prevent multiple renderers running at once public MainPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.NavigationCacheMode = NavigationCacheMode.required; startCameraPreview(); } private async Task startCameraPreview() { // Create a camera preview image source (from the Lumia Imaging SDK) _cameraPreviewImageSource = new CameraPreviewImageSource(); await _cameraPreviewImageSource.InitializeAsync(string.Empty); // use the first available camera (ask me if you want code to access other camera) var previewProperties = await _cameraPreviewImageSource.StartPreviewAsync(); _cameraPreviewImageSource.PreviewFrameAvailable += drawPreview; // call the drawPreview method every time a new frame is available // Create a preview bitmap with the correct aspect ratio using the properties object returned when the preview started. var width = 640.0; var height = (width / previewProperties.Width) * previewProperties.Height; var bitmap = new WriteableBitmap((int)width,(int)height); _writeableBitmap = bitmap; // Create a BitmapRenderer to turn the preview Image Source into a bitmap we hold in the PreviewBitmap object _effect = new FilterEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource); _effect.Filters = new IFilter[0]; // null filter for now _writeableBitmapRenderer = new WriteableBitmapRenderer(_effect,_writeableBitmap); } private async void drawPreview(IImageSize args) { // Prevent multiple rendering attempts at once if (_isRendering == false) { _isRendering = true; await _writeableBitmapRenderer.RenderAsync(); // Render the image (with no filter) // Draw the image onto the previewImage XAML element await Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.High,() => { previewImage.Source = _writeableBitmap; // previewImage is an image element in MainPage.xaml _writeableBitmap.Invalidate(); // force the PreviewBitmap to redraw }); _isRendering = false; } }