How to Pass Command Line Parameters in batch file如何通过指定它们得到其余的参数?我不想使用SHIFT,因为我不知道可能有多少个参数,并且想避免计数它们,如果可以的话.
@echo off set par1=%1 set par2=%2 set par3=%3 set therest=%??? echo the script is %0 echo Parameter 1 is %par1% echo Parameter 2 is %par2% echo Parameter 3 is %par3% echo and the rest are %therest%
运行mybatch opt1 opt2 opt3 opt4 opt5 … opt20将产生:
the script is mybatch Parameter 1 is opt1 Parameter 2 is opt2 Parameter 3 is opt3 and the rest are opt4 opt5 ...opt20
@echo off for /f "tokens=1-3*" %%a in ("%*") do ( set par1=%%a set par2=%%b set par3=%%c set therest=%%d ) echo the script is %0 echo Parameter 1 is %par1% echo Parameter 2 is %par2% echo Parameter 3 is %par3% echo and the rest are %therest%