Mono with LLVM项目能够使用LLVM编译器后端,它具有一些非常强大的优化来编译C#.NET项目,使其在计算密集型应用程序中的运行速度提高了20%.
Mono is now able to use LLVM as a backend for code generation in addition to Mono’s built-in JIT compiler. This allows Mono to benefit from all of the compiler optimizations done in LLVM. For example the SciMark score goes from 482 to 610.
那么可以将现有的C#.NET项目定位到使用Mono / LLVM,以获得更快的Windows或Unix应用程序?这很简单,还是要重构/修改应用程序代码?这是否可以在常规.NET Framework下工作,或者是专门针对Mono Framework项目?考虑到这一点:
This extra performance comes at a cost: it consumes more time and more memory to JIT compile using LLVM.