例如,您按ctrl v并将缓冲区内容插入窗口.如何创建我自己的这样的热键?对不起,noobish的问题.
AutoIt was initially designed for PC
“roll out” situations to reliably
automate and configure thousands of
PCs. Over time it has become a
powerful language that supports
complex expressions,user functions,
loops and everything else that veteran
scripters would expect.
在AutoIt中编写热键应用程序不容易.例如,由于某些原因(不明确提到),您希望Alt q在特定情况下作为数字键盘7进行反应,因此您不必跨键盘触摸.这是一些代码,这样做…
Func _num7() Send("{numpad7}") EndFunc HotKeySet("!{q}","_num7") While 1 sleep(10) WEnd
; The comment character in AutoIt is ; Local $inTargetProg = False Func _num7() Send("{numpad7}") EndFunc While 1 If WinActive("Target Application Window Title") and Not $inTargetProg Then HotKeySet("!{q}","_num7") ; binds Alt+Q to the _num7() function $inWC3 = True EndIf If Not WinActive("Target Application Window Title") and $inTargetProg Then HotKeySet("!{q}") ; UnBind the hotkey when not in use $inWC3 = False EndIf sleep(5) WEnd