windows-server-2012 – 当出现故障时,可以将存储空间驱动器移动到替换服务器

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了windows-server-2012 – 当出现故障时,可以将存储空间驱动器移动到替换服务器前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我曾尝试在这里和谷歌搜索,但找不到解释这个的案例.存储空间类似于软件raid.如果服务器因主板或其他问题而出现故障,那么构成该存储空间配置的驱动器是否可以移动到另一个win2k12服务器而无需从备份恢复?这可以在 linux软件raid中完成.




What happens to Storage Spaces when moving physical disks between servers?

Storage Spaces records information about pools and storage spaces on
the physical disks that compose the storage pool. Therefore,your pool
and storage spaces are preserved when you move an entire storage pool
and its physical disks from one computer to another.

Windows Server 2012 starts storage that could potentially be shared
with a cluster in a safe state. For Storage Spaces,that means the
first time Windows connects to a storage pool,the pool starts as
read-only and the storage spaces will start in a detached state. To
access your data,you must set the storage pool to read-write and then
attach the storage spaces.

These steps do not apply to Windows 8 – storage pools start as
read-write and storage spaces start as attached
