windows-7 – Windows 7本地组Power Users实际上做了什么?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了windows-7 – Windows 7本地组Power Users实际上做了什么?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


因此我立即对此嗤之以鼻,但似乎在Windows 7中,高级用户并没有做任何事情.

在XP上,它给了你’a bunch of access‘,我认为我从未在任何地方使用它.我不得不承认自从Vista开始以后我甚至都没有想过.

在Win 7计算机上检查secpol.msc时,用户权限分配不会显示与超级用户相关的任何内容.然而,它的描述会让您相信“高级用户是为了向后兼容而拥有有限的行政权力”


微软似乎没有制作任何文件(我无论如何也找不到),详细说明了这个组的作用,我能找到的唯一详细技术说明都可追溯到2003 / xp及之前.

您是对的,Power Users组在Windows Vista及更高版本中根本不执行任何操作.开始:

By default,members of this group have no more user rights or permissions than a standard user account. The Power Users group in prevIoUs versions of Windows was designed to give users specific administrator rights and permissions to perform common system tasks. In this version of Windows,standard user accounts inherently have the ability to perform most common configuration tasks,such as changing time zones. For legacy applications that require the same Power User rights and permissions that were present in prevIoUs versions of Windows,administrators can apply a security template that enables the Power Users group to assume the same rights and permissions that were present in prevIoUs versions of Windows.
