windows-server-2012 – Windows Server 2012 – RDP over UDP无法正常工作

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了windows-server-2012 – Windows Server 2012 – RDP over UDP无法正常工作前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我有一台 Windows Server 2012(不是R2)机器,托管在Hyper-V虚拟化中,具有RD Session Host&已安装RD网关.它用于运行桌面GIS应用程序.


在局域网测试环境中(为了避免NAT /防火墙配置错误),我从Win10机器连接.连接信息栏显示“卓越的质量”,但没有提及有关UDP的任何内容.如果是反向连接(Windows Server => Windows 10),连接信息栏会显示已启用UDP.

我完全关闭了Windows Server上安装的Windows防火墙.我仔细检查了RD网关中是否启用了UDP传输.如果我使用Gateway(443 3391)或Direct(3389 3389)连接,则没有区别.我重新启动整台机器两次并滚动前三个谷歌结果页面中的所有链接.



1.5 Prerequisites/Preconditions

The protocol endpoints require UDP connectivity to be established.
The network path between the endpoints should allow the transfer of UDP datagrams in both directions.

The prerequisites for this protocol are identical to those for the UDP

UDP Connection Initialization In this phase,both endpoints are initialized with mutually agreeable parameters for the connection. The terminal client initiates the connection by sending a SYN datagram. The terminal client also determines the mode of operation,RDP-UDP-R or RDP-UDP-L,as described in section 1.3.1. The terminal server responds with a datagram with the SYN flag set,along with an ACK flag,to acknowledge the receipt of the SYN datagram. The terminal client acknowledges the SYN datagram by sending an ACK. The terminal client can append the Coded Packets along with the ACK datagram. This datagram indicates that a connection has been set up and data can be exchanged. All datagrams in this phase – the SYN,SYN+ACK,and ACK – are delivered reliably by using persistent retransmits,irrespective of the mode that the transport is operating in.
