Windows Server Standard仅支持32 GB的内存,这令人沮丧,以了解您的服务器最近何时升级到48个令人敬畏的GB内存.
是否可以从Windows Server Standard(最大32 GB内存支持)到Windows Server Enterprise或Datacenter(最大2TB内存支持)进行就地升级?
我尝试从操作系统中启动Windows Server 2008 setup.exe,这给了我一个“升级”选项..但当我到达“你想在哪里安装Windows”过程的一部分时,它告诉我
The partition you selected might contain files from a prevIoUs Windows installation. If it does,these files and folders will be moved to a folder named Windows.old. You will be able to access the information in Windows.old,but you will not be able to use your prevIoUs versions of Windows